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Ballerina Kubernetes Extension

Annotation based kubernetes extension implementation for ballerina.

Build Status Daily build Build master branch codecov License


  • Kubernetes deployment support.
  • Kubernetes service support.
  • Kubernetes liveness probe support
  • Kubernetes readiness probe support
  • Kubernetes ingress support.
  • Kubernetes horizontal pod autoscaler support.
  • Docker image generation.
  • Docker push support with remote docker registry.
  • Kubernetes secret support.
  • Kubernetes config map support.
  • Kubernetes persistent volume claim support.
  • Kubernetes resource quotas.
  • Istio gateways support.
  • Istio virtual services support.
  • OpenShift build config and image stream support.
  • OpenShift route support.

Refer samples for more info.

Supported Annotations:


  • Supported with ballerina services, listeners and functions.
Annotation Name Description Default value
name Name of the deployment <BALLERINA_FILE_NAME>-deployment or <BALLERINA_MODULE_NAME>-deployment
labels Labels for deployment { app: <OUTPUT_FILE_NAME> }
annotations Annotations for deployment {}
dockerHost Docker host IP and docker PORT.(e.g "tcp://") DOCKER_HOST environment variable. If DOCKER_HOST is unavailable, uses "unix:///var/run/docker.sock" for Unix or uses "npipe:////./pipe/docker_engine" for Windows 10 or uses "localhost:2375"
dockerCertPath Docker cert path DOCKER_CERT_PATH environment variable
registry Docker registry url null
username Username for the docker registry null
password Password for the docker registry null
baseImage Base image to create the docker image openjdk:8-jre-alpine
image Docker image with tag <OUTPUT_FILE_NAME>:latest. If field registry is set then it will be prepended to the docker image name as /<OUTPUT_FILE_NAME>:latest
buildImage Building docker image true
push Push docker image to registry. This will be effective if image buildImage field is true false
copyFiles Copy external files for Docker image null
singleYAML Generate a single yaml file for all k8s resources true
namespace Namespace of the deployment null
replicas Number of replicas 1
livenessProbe Enable or disable liveness probe false
readinessProbe Enable or disable readiness probe false
imagePullPolicy Docker image pull policy IfNotPresent
env List of environment variables null
podAnnotations Pod annotations {}
podTolerations Pod tolerations {}
buildExtension Extension for building docker images and artifacts null
dependsOn Listeners this deployment Depends on null
imagePullSecrets Image pull secrets value null
updateStrategy Update strategy null
nodeSelector Node selector labels null
projectedVolumeMount Projected Volume Mount configuration null
serviceAccountName Service Account Name null
cmd Value for CMD for the generated Dockerfile CMD java -jar ${APP} [--b7a.config.file=${CONFIG_FILE}] [--debug]
prometheus Enable prometheus Default port and ClusterIP service type
uberJar Use ballerina uber jar Default is false
dockerConfigPath Path to docker configuration file null


  • Supported with ballerina services and listeners.
Annotation Name Description Default value
name Name of the Service <BALLERINA_SERVICE_NAME>-service
labels Labels for service { app: <OUTPUT_FILE_NAME> }
portName Name for the port The protocol of the listener
port Service port Port of the ballerina service
targetPort Target pod(s) port Port of the ballerina service
nodePort NodePort to expose service None
sessionAffinity Pod session affinity None
serviceType Service type of the service ClusterIP
prometheus Configure prometheus config 9797 port and ClusterIP service type


  • Supported with ballerina services and listeners.
Annotation Name Description Default value
name Name of the Ingress <BALLERINA_SERVICE_NAME>-ingress
labels Labels for service { app: <OUTPUT_FILE_NAME> }
annotations Map of additional annotations null
hostname Host name of the ingress <BALLERINA_SERVICE_NAME>.com or <BALLERINA_SERVICE_LISTENER_NAME>.com
path Resource path. /
targetPath This will use for URL rewrite. null
ingressClass Ingress class nginx
enableTLS Enable ingress TLS false


  • Supported with ballerina services and functions.
Annotation Name Description Default value
name Name of the Horizontal Pod Autoscaler <BALLERINA_SERVICE_NAME>-hpa
labels Labels for service { app: <OUTPUT_FILE_NAME> }
annotations Map of annotations null
minReplicas Minimum number of replicas Number of replicas in deployment
maxReplicas Maximum number of replicas minReplicas + 1
cpuPrecentage CPU percentage to start scaling 50


  • Supported with ballerina service and functions.
Annotation Name Description Default value
name Name secret mount <BALLERINA_SERVICE_NAME>-secret
labels Labels for service { app: <OUTPUT_FILE_NAME> }
annotations Map of annotations null
mountPath Path to mount on container null
readOnly Is mount read only true
defaultMode Default permission mode null
data Paths to data files null


  • Supported with ballerina services and functions.
Annotation Name Description Default value
name Name config map mount <BALLERINA_SERVICE_NAME>-config-map
mountPath Path to mount on container null
readOnly Is mount read only true
defaultMode Default permission mode null
data Paths to data files null


  • Supported with ballerina services and functions.
Annotation Name Description Default value
name Name secret mount null
labels Labels for service { app: <OUTPUT_FILE_NAME> }
annotations Metadata Annotations map null
mountPath Path to mount on container null
accessMode Access mode ReadWriteOnce
volumeClaimSize Size of the volume claim null
readOnly Is mount read only false


  • Support with ballerina services and functions.
Annotation Name Description Default value
name Name of the resource quota <BALLERINA_FILE_NAME>-resource-quota or <BALLERINA_MODULE_NAME>-resource-quota
labels Labels for resource quota { app: <OUTPUT_FILE_NAME> }
annotations Metadata Annotations map null
hard Hard rules {}
scopes Scopes to which the resource quota will be applied to []


  • Supported with ballerina main function.
Annotation Name Description Default value
name Name of the job <BALLERINA_FILE_NAME>-job or <BALLERINA_MODULE_NAME>-job
labels Labels for job { app: <OUTPUT_FILE_NAME> }
annotations Metadata Annotations map {}
dockerHost Docker host IP and docker PORT.(e.g "tcp://") DOCKER_HOST environment variable. If DOCKER_HOST is unavailable, uses "unix:///var/run/docker.sock" for Unix or uses "npipe:////./pipe/docker_engine" for Windows 10 or uses "localhost:2375"
dockerCertPath Docker cert path DOCKER_CERT_PATH environment variable
registry Docker registry url null
username Username for the docker registry null
password Password for the docker registry null
baseImage Base image to create the docker image openjdk:8-jre-alpine
image Docker image with tag <OUTPUT_FILE_NAME>:latest. If field registry is set then it will be prepended to the docker image name as /<OUTPUT_FILE_NAME>:latest
buildImage Building docker image true
push Push docker image to registry. This will be effective if image buildImage field is true false
copyFiles Copy external files for Docker image null
singleYAML Generate a single yaml file for all k8s resources true
namespace Namespace for the Job default
imagePullPolicy Docker image pull policy IfNotPresent
env List of environment variables null
restartPolicy Restart policy Never
backoffLimit Backoff limit 3
activeDeadlineSeconds Active deadline seconds 20
schedule Schedule for cron jobs none
imagePullSecrets Image pull secrets value null
nodeSelector Node selector labels null
cmd Value for CMD for the generated Dockerfile CMD java -jar ${APP} [--b7a.config.file=${CONFIG_FILE}] [--debug]
uberJar Use ballerina uber jar Default is false
dockerConfigPath Path to docker configuration file null


  • Support with ballerina services and listeners.
Annotation Name Description Default value
name Name of the istio gateway <BALLERINA_FILE_NAME>-istio-gw or <BALLERINA_MODULE_NAME>-istio-gw
labels Labels for istio gateway { app: <OUTPUT_FILE_NAME> }
annotations Metadata Annotations map null
selector Set of pods/VMs on which this gateway configuration should be applied []
servers List of Servers []


  • Support with ballerina services and listeners.
Annotation Name Description Default value
name Name of the istio virtual service <BALLERINA_FILE_NAME>-istio-vs or <BALLERINA_MODULE_NAME>-istio-vs
labels Labels for istio virtual service { app: <OUTPUT_FILE_NAME> }
annotations Metadata Annotations map null
hosts Destination which traffic should be sent []
gateways Names of the gateways which the service should listen to []
http Route rules for HTTP traffic []


  • Support with ballerina services and listeners.
Annotation Name Description Default value
name Name of the openshift route <BALLERINA_FILE_NAME>-openshift-route or <BALLERINA_MODULE_NAME>-openshift-route
labels Labels for openshift route { app: <OUTPUT_FILE_NAME> }
annotations Metadata Annotations map null
host The host of the route null

How to build

  1. Download and install JDK 11
  2. Install Docker
  3. Get a clone or download the source from this repository (
  4. Run the Gradle command gradle build from within the kubernetes directory.
  5. Copy build/kubernetes-extension-***.jar file to <BALLERINA_HOME>/bre/lib directory.

Enabling debug logs

  • Use the "BAL_DOCKER_DEBUG=true" environment variable to enable docker related debug logs when building the ballerina source(s).
  • Use the "BAL_KUBERNETES_DEBUG=true" environment variable to enable kubernetes related debug logs when building the ballerina source(s).

Deploy ballerina service directly using kubectl command.

This repository also provides a kubectl plugin which allows to build ballerina programs and deploy their kubernetes artifacts directly to a kuberetes cluster. The plugin is located at kubernetes-extension/src/main/resources/kubectl-extension/kubectl-ballerina-deploy. Follow the steps mentioned in "Extend kubectl with plugins" . Check if the plugin is available using the command kubectl plugin list.

Replacing values with environment variables.

You can replace values in an annotation using environment variables. The replacement is done with a string placeholder like "$env{ENV_VAR}". As an example lets say that you want to set the namespace field in the @kubernetes:Deployment{} annotation with a environment variable and the name of the environment variable is K8S_NAMESPACE. Following is how the annotation would look like:

@kubernetes:Deployment {
    namespace: "$env{K8S_NAMESPACE}"

Note: You cannot use the ballerina/config module to replace values in the annotation. This is because the kubernetes artifacts are generated during compile time. The ballerina/config module works in the runtime.

How to execute:

$> kubectl ballerina deploy hello_world_k8s.bal
> building ballerina source...
Compiling source

Generating executable

Generating artifacts...

	@kubernetes:Service 			 - complete 1/1
	@kubernetes:Deployment 			 - complete 1/1
	@kubernetes:Docker 			 - complete 2/2
	@kubernetes:Helm 			 - complete 1/1

	Execute the below command to deploy the Kubernetes artifacts:
	kubectl apply -f ./kubernetes

	Execute the below command to install the application using Helm:
	helm install --name hello-world-k8s-deployment ./kubernetes/hello-world-k8s-deployment

> deploying artifacts...
executing 'kubectl apply -f ./kubernetes'
service/helloworld-svc unchanged
deployment.apps/hello-world-k8s-deployment configured

> deployment complete!

Annotation Usage Sample:

import ballerina/http;
import ballerina/log;
import ballerina/kubernetes;

@kubernetes:Ingress {
    hostname: ""
@kubernetes:Service {
listener http:Listener helloEP = new(9090);

@kubernetes:Deployment {
    livenessProbe: true
@http:ServiceConfig {
    basePath: "/helloWorld"
service helloWorld on helloEP {
    resource function sayHello(http:Caller caller, http:Request request) {
        http:Response response = new;
        response.setTextPayload("Hello, World from service helloWorld ! ");
        var responseResult = caller->respond(response);
        if (responseResult is error) {
            log:printError("error responding back to client.", err = responseResult);

The kubernetes artifacts will be created in following structure.

$> tree kubernetes
├── docker
│   └── Dockerfile
├── hello-world-deployment
│   ├── Chart.yaml
│   └── templates
│       └── hello-world.yaml
└── hello-world.yaml