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Ballerina Java Array Module

Ballerina Java Arrays Library

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This library provides APIs to create new Java array instances, get elements from arrays, set elements, etc.

Create a Java array instance

handle stringClass = check java:getClass("java.lang.String");
handle StrArray = arrays:newInstance(stringClass, 4);

Get an element from a Java array

handle firstWord = arrays:get(words, 0);

Replace an element in a Java array

arrays:set(strArray, 0, java:fromString("Ballerina"));

Get Java array length

int length = arrays:getLength(array);

Get a Ballerina array from a Java array

int[] array = <int[]> check arrays:fromHandle(arrayHandle, "int");

Get a Java array from a Ballerina array

handle handleValue = check arrays:toHandle(bArray, "char");

Issues and projects

Issues and Projects tabs are disabled for this repository as this is part of the Ballerina Standard Library. To report bugs, request new features, start new discussions, view project boards, etc. please visit Ballerina Standard Library parent repository.

This repository only contains the source code for the module.

Build from the source

Set up the prerequisites

  1. Download and install Java SE Development Kit (JDK) version 17 (from one of the following locations).

    • Oracle

    • OpenJDK

      Note: Set the JAVA_HOME environment variable to the path name of the directory into which you installed JDK.

  2. Export Github Personal access token with read package permissions as follows,

     export packageUser=<Username>
     export packagePAT=<Personal access token>

Build the source

Execute the commands below to build from source.

  1. To build the library:

     ./gradlew clean build
  2. To run the integration tests:

     ./gradlew clean test
  3. To build the module without the tests:

     ./gradlew clean build -x test
  4. To debug the tests:

     ./gradlew clean build -Pdebug=<port>
  5. Publish ZIP artifact to the local .m2 repository:

     ./gradlew clean build publishToMavenLocal
  6. Publish the generated artifacts to the local Ballerina central repository:

     ./gradlew clean build -PpublishToLocalCentral=true
  7. Publish the generated artifacts to the Ballerina central repository:

     ./gradlew clean build -PpublishToCentral=true

Contribute to Ballerina

As an open source project, Ballerina welcomes contributions from the community.

For more information, go to the contribution guidelines.

Code of conduct

All contributors are encouraged to read the Ballerina Code of Conduct.

Useful links