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Can't access PID segment values of ballerinax/hl7v23:ORM_O01 message

Open janihur opened this issue 7 months ago • 0 comments

Description: Based on the ORM_O01 documentation, I can't figure out how to access the values of the PID segment. AFAICS the record access paths (e.g. inOrm.patient[0].pid.pid5[0].xpn1) are correct.

The MSH segment works as documented.

Steps to reproduce:

The program below outputs:

$ bal run test.bal
Compiling source

Running executable

message type: ORM^O01
PID.5 Patient Name:
  Family Name:
  Given Name:
  Middle Name:

When the following output is expected:

message type: ORM^O01
PID.5 Patient Name:
  Family Name: Lastname
  Given Name: Givenname
  Middle Name: Middlename

The program:

import ballerina/io;
import ballerinax/health.hl7v2;
import ballerinax/health.hl7v23;

string[] EXAMPLE_ARR = [
	string `PID|1|040404-0404^^^^SSN|||Lastname^Givenname^Middlename`,
	string `PV1|1||2039^Room 3^Bed 4^IMW||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||9876^InternalMedicalWard|||||||||||1.2345.777.888`,
	string `PV2|1|||||||||||||||||1011|`,
	string `ORC|NW|20240718-1^FOO|||||^^^^^A||202407181157|||030303-0303^Smith^John^^^^^^^^^^SSN~987654^Smith^John^^^^^^^^^^SV`,
	string `OBR|1|20240718-1^FOO||4520^P-INR^LAB-KL-98|||202407201257||||L||info to sample taking||||||||||||||^^^^^A|||PORT`,
	string `NTE|1||Additional info to laboratory|`

public function main() returns error? {
	string EXAMPLE_STR = string:'join("\r", ...EXAMPLE_ARR);

	hl7v2:Message parsedMsg = check hl7v2:parse(EXAMPLE_STR);

	hl7v23:ORM_O01 inOrm = check parsedMsg.ensureType(hl7v23:ORM_O01);

	io:println("message type: " + inOrm.msh.msh9.cm_msg1 + "^" + inOrm.msh.msh9.cm_msg2);

	io:println("PID.5 Patient Name:");
	// patient ORM_O01_PATIENT[]
	// pid PID
	// pid5 XPN[] - patient name
	// xpn1 ST - family name
	io:println("  Family Name: " + inOrm.patient[0].pid.pid5[0].xpn1);
	io:println("  Given Name: "  + inOrm.patient[0].pid.pid5[0].xpn2);
	io:println("  Middle Name: " + inOrm.patient[0].pid.pid5[0].xpn3);

Affected Versions:

$ bal --version
Ballerina 2201.9.2 (Swan Lake Update 9)
Language specification 2024R1
Update Tool 1.4.2

janihur avatar Aug 01 '24 09:08 janihur