ESP_VS1053_Library copied to clipboard
why the streaming content-type is wrong ?
Hi all, it is not an issue of the library, but I do not know where to find documentation to solve the issue. Most of small local radios use redirect url, for instance: 1- Radio Kankan (it is a cityname of Guinea West Africa): The console gives:
Request access to: Radio KANKAN Request access to: Try to reconnect... -->HTTP/1.1 302 -->location: new url fields = + /ab9q4v3mb?zs=3rXgc_2kRwuG_ScHzZfXSQ -->Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * -->Location: new url fields = + /ab9q4v3mb?zs=3rXgc_2kRwuG_ScHzZfXSQ&rj-tok=AAABf7urGXYASuMmCX_O1AEP9A&rj-ttl=5
@@>content-type: audio/mpeg icy-name: -
There are several redirection, however after all the content-type: audio/mpeg appears and the station works fine
2- Kassara Barikama (Bamako Mali): The console gives:
Request access to: Kassara Barikama Request access to: Try to reconnect... -->HTTP/1.1 302 -->location: new url fields = + u5u4gvaxh4duv?zs=xEwnpDv8SV2bzd5D7yTBqw -->Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * -->Location: new url fields = + /u5u4gvaxh4duv?zs=xEwnpDv8SV2bzd5D7yTBqw&rj-tok=AAABf7uvXJcAUn8ykeWJtSNSQQ&rj-ttl=5 -->location: new url fields = + /y8sgkhhra3quv?zs=xEwnpDv8SV2bzd5D7yTBqw @@>Content-length: 90 Cache-Control: no-cache Connection: close Content-Type: text/html
400 Bad request
Try to reconnect... Try to reconnect...
This station - and many others - return a bad content-type. But both stations works fine with a PC and modzilla. So something is missing in the request to access to the url because there is reason it does not work on the ESP8266 webradio example
Here is the code:
// si perte du signal
if( !client.connected() ) {
Serial.println("Try to reconnect...");
headerSearch = true;
bufferNumber = 0;
if( client.connect(urlStation, portStation.toInt()) ) {
client.print(String("GET ") + pathStation + " HTTP/1.1\r\n" +
"Host: " + urlStation + "\r\n" +
"Connection: close\r\n\r\n");
} // end of client.connect test
} // end of !client.connected() test
// si tout va bien :)
if( client.available() && !pause ) {
// look foward url rediction type 302
if( headerSearch ) {
headerSearch = false;
String header = client.readStringUntil('\n'); // read the header until \n
Serial.print("-->"); Serial.println(header);
while((header.indexOf("HTTP/1.0 302") >= 0)||(header.indexOf("HTTP/1.1 302") >= 0)) { // it may have several
while((header.indexOf("Location:") < 0) && (header.indexOf("location:") < 0)) { // new url to reach
header = client.readStringUntil('\n');
Serial.print("-->"); Serial.println(header);
// get fields separated by "/"
// Example=> Location:
String newPortStation = "80";
String newUrlStation = "";
String newPathStation = "/";
if( header[14] == 's' ) newPortStation = "443";
byte index = 0;
while( header[index] != '/' ) index ++;
index +=2;
while( header[index] != '/' ) {
newUrlStation += header[index];
index ++;
index ++;
for( byte k=index ; k < header.length() ; k++ ) newPathStation += header[k];
Serial.print("new url fields = ");
Serial.print(newUrlStation); Serial.print(" + "); Serial.println(newPathStation);
if( client.connect(newUrlStation, newPortStation.toInt()) ) {
client.print(String("GET ") + newPathStation + " HTTP/1.1\r\n" +
"Host: " + urlStation + "\r\n" +
"Connection: close\r\n\r\n");
} // end of client.connect test
header = client.readStringUntil('\n'); // read the header until \n
} // end of while on header
} // end of test on headerSearch
if( ++bufferNumber < 30 ) {
Serial.print("@@>");, buffSize);
for( int i=0; i<buffSize; i++ ) Serial.write( mp3buff[i] );
} // end of client.available test
} // end of loop
I haven't tried the code, but could it be an issue of cutting of the new path too early? Maybe some String does not provide the correct length?
My first idea would be to change
for( byte k=index ; ...
for( int k=index ; ...
..or -another blind guess- could it be that the String keeps data over the redirect, so that Content-Type: text/html belongs to the old header of the redirecting webpage?
I've updated the code, for a better view of the header to the console, and to adapt either HTTP/1.0 or HTTP/1.1 depending of the header received... no change. However, what I've noticed from the attached screenshot and the console message from my first message:
1- there is a client.connect/client.print to the radio station, 2- a first 302 answer gives a 2nd url - the one ending by "9tGOg" 3- the second url answers the 302 again for a 3rd url 4- the 3rd url answers the 302 again for a 4th url, that is identical to the 2nd 5- to connect again to the 2nd url answers a bad request. Something is missing.
What is surprising me, the same radio provider can deliver either radios in streaming which works fine after on or 2 url redirect, and radios which need something more to connect correctly....
It is not a problem of the lengh of the path:
the 2 first temporary paths was working, not the 2 last.
I'll test the code and double check the station with my own redirect implementation .. this may take a few days ;-)
After some trouble, I was able to connect with the station using my redirect implementation with the feedback given below.
Looks like there are 5 redirects before anything happens. I now do suspect the problems with this station could be a matter of the station expecting cookies?
---------------Kassara Barikama---------------
Connecting to
Requesting stream: /u5u4gvaxh4duv
HTTP/1.1 302
access-control-allow-origin: *
cache-control: no-cache
content-length: 0
date: Fri, 25 Mar 2022 16:22:08 GMT
connection: close
Ende des Headers
Path: /u5u4gvaxh4duv?zs=h-zghE-PTPyxhEdwvrepPQ
Connecting to
Requesting stream: /u5u4gvaxh4duv?zs=h-zghE-PTPyxhEdwvrepPQ
HTTP/1.0 302 Found
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Content-Length: 0
Connection: close
Set-Cookie: rj-listener-cookie=9cqasw5q81uf;
Ende des Headers
Path: /u5u4gvaxh4duv?zs=h-zghE-PTPyxhEdwvrepPQ&rj-tok=AAABf8HrySoAdZKVNKBDtjQxVQ&rj-ttl=5
Connecting to
Requesting stream: /u5u4gvaxh4duv?zs=h-zghE-PTPyxhEdwvrepPQ&rj-tok=AAABf8HrySoAdZKVNKBDtjQxVQ&rj-ttl=5
HTTP/1.0 302 Found
Ende des Headers
Path: /y8sgkhhra3quv?zs=h-zghE-PTPyxhEdwvrepPQ
Connecting to
Requesting stream: /y8sgkhhra3quv?zs=h-zghE-PTPyxhEdwvrepPQ
HTTP/1.1 302
access-control-allow-origin: *
cache-control: no-cache
content-length: 0
date: Fri, 25 Mar 2022 16:22:09 GMT
connection: close
Ende des Headers
Path: /y8sgkhhra3quv?zs=EyXx4VCwRIWZ1KP8VyYWYw&zs=h-zghE-PTPyxhEdwvrepPQ
Connecting to
Requesting stream: /y8sgkhhra3quv?zs=EyXx4VCwRIWZ1KP8VyYWYw&zs=h-zghE-PTPyxhEdwvrepPQ
HTTP/1.0 302 Found
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Content-Length: 0
Connection: close
Set-Cookie: rj-listener-cookie=o6cpxoju1kx;
Ende des Headers
Path: /y8sgkhhra3quv?zs=EyXx4VCwRIWZ1KP8VyYWYw&zs=h-zghE-PTPyxhEdwvrepPQ&rj-tok=AAABf8HrzQwAJ9dYbSKyLBZXlA&rj-ttl=5
Connecting to
Requesting stream: /y8sgkhhra3quv?zs=EyXx4VCwRIWZ1KP8VyYWYw&zs=h-zghE-PTPyxhEdwvrepPQ&rj-tok=AAABf8HrzQwAJ9dYbSKyLBZXlA&rj-ttl=5
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
content-type: audio/mpeg
icy-name: -
Ende des Headers
SyncBytefolge: 255, 251, 144, 68
MPEG 1 Layer 3, Bitrate 128, Sample Frequency 44100, Pad Bit 1, Frame Length 417
is it the right way to declare a cookie?
if( client.connect(newUrlStation, newPortStation.toInt()) ) {
client.print(String("GET ") + newPathStation + " " + protocol + "\r\n" +
"Host: " + newUrlStation + "\r\n" +
"Cookie: " + cookie + "\r\n" +
"User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0\r\n" +
"Connection: close\r\n\r\n");
if( header.indexOf("Set-Cookie:") >= 0) {
for( int k=12; k < header.length(); k++ ) cookie += header[k];
Serial.print("Cookie found: "); Serial.println(cookie);
because this does not solve the "HTTP/1.1 400 Bad request" answer from the server
I have no idea (yet). Actually I never worked with cookies. Hence I'm as curious about the outcome..
Anyway, I'm going to test the code you posted in the first place. After three tries with my code it's always that the 5th redirect does work, so it should do the same with your code, even without cookies.
hi @Dr-Dawg here is the code. Thanks
// si perte du signal
if((!client.connected()) || stationChange ) {
Serial.print(F("Try to connect to: ")); Serial.println(nomStation);
Serial.print(F("http://")); Serial.print(urlStation); Serial.print(":");
Serial.print(portStation.toInt()); Serial.print("/"); Serial.println(pathStation);
Serial.print(F("with the cookie: ")); Serial.println(cookie);
stationChange = false;
headerSearch = true;
bufferNumber = 0;
if( client.connect(urlStation, portStation.toInt()) ) {
client.print(String("GET ") + pathStation + " " + protocol +"\r\n" +
"Host: " + urlStation + "\r\n" +
"Cookie: " + cookie + "\r\n" +
"User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0\r\n" +
"Connection: close\r\n\r\n");
} // end of client.connect() test
} // end of !client.connected() test
// si tout va bien :)
if( client.available() && !pause ) {
// look after url redirect type 302, it may have several occurancy
if( headerSearch ) {
headerSearch = false;
String header = client.readStringUntil('\n'); // read the header until \n
String newLocation = "";
String cookie = "rj-listener-cookie=160e020z6m36v;";
Serial.print(F("1-->")); Serial.println(header);
while((header.indexOf("HTTP/1.0 302") >= 0) || (header.indexOf("HTTP/1.1 302") >= 0)) { // redirect url
byte i=1;
do {
header = client.readStringUntil('\n');
Serial.print(++i); Serial.print(F("-->")); Serial.println(header);
if((header.indexOf("Location:") >= 0) || (header.indexOf("location:") >= 0)) { // look after new url
newLocation = header;
Serial.print(F("Redirect url found: ")); Serial.println(newLocation);
else if( header.indexOf("Set-Cookie:") >= 0) {
for( int k=12; k < header.length(); k++ ) cookie += header[k];
Serial.print(F("Cookie found: ")); Serial.println(cookie);
} while( header.indexOf("") >= 0 ); // wait for the client.readStringUntill timeout
// url fields search with "/" separator
// example: Location:
String newPortStation = "80";
String newUrlStation = "";
String newPathStation = "/";
if( newLocation[14] == 's' ) newPortStation = "443";
int index = 0;
while( newLocation[index] != '/' ) index ++;
index +=2;
while( newLocation[index] != '/' ) {
newUrlStation += newLocation[index];
index ++;
index ++;
for( int k=index; k < newLocation.length(); k++ ) newPathStation += newLocation[k];
// connect to new url
Serial.print(F("\nRedirect to new location: ")); Serial.println(nomStation);
Serial.print(F("http://")); Serial.print(urlStation); Serial.print(":");
Serial.print(portStation.toInt()); Serial.print("/"); Serial.println(pathStation);
Serial.print(F("with the cookie: ")); Serial.println(cookie);
if( client.connect(newUrlStation, newPortStation.toInt()) ) {
client.print(String("GET ") + newPathStation + " " + protocol + "\r\n" +
"Host: " + newUrlStation + "\r\n" +
"Cookie: " + cookie + "\r\n" +
"User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0\r\n" +
//Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:98.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/98.0
"Connection: close\r\n\r\n");
} // end of client.connect test
header = client.readStringUntil('\n'); // read the header until \n
Serial.print(F("1-->")); Serial.println(header);
} // end of while on header HTTP
} // end of test on headerSearch
if( ++bufferNumber < 5 ) {
Serial.print(F("@@@>"));, buffSize);
for( int i=0; i<buffSize; i++ ) Serial.write( mp3buff[i] );
} // end of client.available test
I've tried to trace HTTP dialog with but I have not notice anything special.
With Modzilla Firefox, if I delete all cookies and run one "non-working" radio station from a private windows, I first have a timeout error message. Only the very first time. Unfortunately I cannot reproduce this error with the tool above, it is working each time
hmm, would be easier with the definitions, I take, it's something like
char *nomStation = "Ankerherz";
char *urlStation = "";
char *pathStation = "/Ankerherz";
String portStation = "8001";
String cookie = "";
char *protocol = " HTTP/1.1";
int buffsize = 64;
bool stationChange = true;
bool headerSearch = false;
int bufferNumber;
Still, I receive some compiling errors starting with
RedirectWebRadioDemo:220:65: error: no matching function for call to 'WiFiClient::connect(String&, long int)'
if( client.connect(newUrlStation, newPortStation.toInt()) ) {
By the way, it seems that you are definig a String cookie in if( client.available() && !pause ) while using a String cookie outside the if statement. Note that the compiler handles this as two different variables, I'm not sure whether this was your intention.
Hi @Dr-Dawg you're right. Here is the full test code for a .ino file:
byte VOLUME = 75;
#define buffSize 128 // audio streams buffer size
String protocol = "HTTP/1.0"; // default http protocol
// librairies
#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#include <WiFiClient.h>
#include <DNSServer.h> // requis pour WifiManager.h
#include "VS1053.h" //
#include <WiFiManager.h> //
#define VS1053_CS D0
#define VS1053_DCS D3
#define VS1053_DREQ D4
byte Tone[4] = { 10, 10, 7, 2 };
VS1053 player(VS1053_CS, VS1053_DCS, VS1053_DREQ);
WiFiClient client;
String nomStation = "Kassara Barikama";
String portStation = "80";
String urlStation = "";
//String pathStation = "/ab9q4v3mb"; // OK
String pathStation = "/u5u4gvaxh4duv"; // non OK
String cookie = "";
bool stationChange = true;
bool pause = false; // bouton de pause
uint8_t mp3buff[buffSize];
bool headerSearch = false;
int bufferNumber = 0;
void setup () {
Serial.println(F("\n\nWiFi Radio is starting up :)"));
// connect to wifi
WiFiManager monwifi;
if(!monwifi.autoConnect("AutoConnectAP")) Serial.println(F("Wifi to setup"));
else {
// Connect to Wi-Fi network with SSID and password
Serial.print(F("connecting to wifi "));
while(WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) Serial.print(".");
// check if chip is really a VS1053 for the firmware update
if(player.getChipVersion() == 4) {
player.loadDefaultVs1053Patches(); // Only perform an update if we really are using a VS1053, not. eg. VS1003
Serial.println(F("\nChip is a VS1053 - so aac can be decoded\n"));
else Serial.println(F("\nChip is a VS1003 - aac format decoder unavailable\n"));
// set WiFiClient function timeout
client.setTimeout(500); // default is 1s
} // end of setup
void loop() {
if((!client.connected()) || stationChange ) {
stationChange = false;
headerSearch = true;
bufferNumber = 0;
Serial.print(F("\nTry to connect: ")); Serial.println(nomStation);
Serial.print(F("http://")); Serial.print(urlStation); Serial.print(":");
Serial.print(portStation.toInt()); Serial.println(pathStation);
if( client.connect(urlStation, portStation.toInt()) ) {
client.print(String("GET ") + pathStation + " " + protocol +"\r\n" +
"Host: " + urlStation + "\r\n" +
"Connection: close\r\n\r\n");
} // end of client.connect() test
} // end of !client.connected() test
// si tout va bien :)
if( client.available() && !pause ) {
// look after url redirect type 302, it may have several occurancy
if( headerSearch ) {
headerSearch = false;
String header = client.readStringUntil('\n'); // read the header until \n
String newLocation = "";
Serial.print(F("1-->")); Serial.println(header);
while((header.indexOf("HTTP/1.0 302") >= 0) || (header.indexOf("HTTP/1.1 302") >= 0)) { // redirect url
byte i=1;
do {
header = client.readStringUntil('\n');
Serial.print(++i); Serial.print(F("-->")); Serial.println(header);
if((header.indexOf("Location:") >= 0) || (header.indexOf("location:") >= 0)) { // look after new url
newLocation = header;
else if( header.indexOf("Set-Cookie:") >= 0) {
for( int k=12; k < header.length(); k++ ) cookie += header[k];
} while( header.indexOf("") >= 0 ); // wait for the client.readStringUntill timeout
// url fields search with "/" separator
String newPortStation = "80";
String newUrlStation;
String newPathStation = "/";
if( newLocation[14] == 's' ) newPortStation = "443";
int index = 0;
while( newLocation[index] != '/' ) index ++;
index +=2;
while( newLocation[index] != '/' ) {
newUrlStation += newLocation[index];
index ++;
index ++;
for( int k=index; k < newLocation.length(); k++ ) newPathStation += newLocation[k];
// connect to new url
Serial.print(F("\nRedirect to http://"));
Serial.print(newUrlStation); Serial.print(":");
Serial.print(newPortStation.toInt()); Serial.println(newPathStation);
if( cookie != "" ) {
Serial.print(F("with the cookie: ")); Serial.println(cookie);
if( client.connect(newUrlStation, newPortStation.toInt()) ) {
client.print(String("GET ") + newPathStation + " " + protocol + "\r\n" +
"Host: " + newUrlStation + "\r\n" +
"Cookie: " + cookie + "\r\n" +
"User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0\r\n" +
"Connection: close\r\n\r\n");
} // end of client.connect test
header = client.readStringUntil('\n'); // read the header until \n
Serial.print(F("1-->")); Serial.println(header);
} // end of while on header HTTP
} // end of test on headerSearch
if( ++bufferNumber < 5 ) {
Serial.print(F("@@@>"));, buffSize);
for( int i=0; i<buffSize; i++ ) Serial.write( mp3buff[i] );
} // end of client.available test
} // end of loop
I had to do some minor modifications, in order to make the code work with ESP32 and without WiFiManager.h
I also added the following else statement, so you can actually hear music after reading the header
if( ++bufferNumber < 5 ) {
Serial.print(F("@@@>"));, buffSize);
for( int i=0; i<buffSize; i++ ) Serial.write( mp3buff[i] );
uint8_t bytesread =, buffSize);
player.playChunk(mp3buff, bytesread);
For a 'normal' station there is a header output and music, for Kassara Barikama I got stucked after the 8th header line in the client.readStringUntil command in the following loop:
do {
header = client.readStringUntil('\n');
It's not an infinite loop, it gets stuck in client.readStringUntil('\n'), possibly it reads the mp3 stream that does not provide "\n"?