Yaël Balbastre
Yaël Balbastre
This is a good question. I am a bit wary of having HiP-CT as a special case of CT for several reasons: - It is a phase-based contrast -- not...
Sure I can draft a PR. The one thing I am not sure yet is which metadata should be added (if any). @ucbpclw do you think any of the metadata...
@ucbpclw > Do you mean which of metadata fields we sent in our example file are essential? Yes, exactly
Hi I am reopening this thread. After further discussions with "synchrotron-CT" experts (@chourroutm, @dstansby, @ucbpclw), it appeared that hipCT might not be the most adequate suffix. The "H" means hierarchical...
@chourroutm I vote XPCT, but yes it'd be great to have a validation from other groups, so that it lives up to the test of time :) Once it's ok'd,...