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After Effects Plug-in enabling to use GLSL written in ISF as an effect

ISF4AE - Interactive Shader Format for After Effects

After Effects plug-in to allow using a GLSL code written in Interactive Shader Format as an effect. In short, it's an effect to build effects by yourself -- without struggling with complicated C++ SDK.

Additional ISF Specification

Since ISF was originally designed for real-time purposes such as VJing, it has some issues that do not meet After Effects'charasteristics. This section describes how the plug-in interprets ISFs and works with After Effects. The following explanation assumes that you have already understood the specification of ISF.


At present, the plug-in does not support several types of inputs, persistent buffers, and custom vertex shaders. It also has a maximum of 16 inputs (exclude "inputImage" and reserved uniforms "i4a_" as mentioned later).

Supported Input Types

Note that "event", "audio", and "audioFFT" are not yet supported currently.

  • "bool": displayed as a checkbox.
  • "long": displayed as a dropdown list.
  • "float": displayed as a slider by default. You can specify a type of UI by setting either constant below as a property "UNIT".
    • "default": just a scalar; the value will be passed as it is.
    • "length": represents a length in px. It is also displayed as a slider, but the value will be mapped from 0...<layer's width> to 0...1 when it is passed to a shader.
    • "percent": displayed with "%" suffix. The value will be bounded as a uniform with divided by 100. For example, 50% in the Effect Controls panel will be passed as 0.5 to the shader.
    • "angle": displayed as an angle input, and the range of value will be mapped so that radians in OpenGL coordinate (Y-up right-handed) fit with a direction that the rotary knob UI is pointing. The internal conversion from AE to GLSL is equivalent to the following formula: radians(90 - value).
  • "point2D": represents a position in px. It will be mapped to OpenGL's normalized coordinate; (0, 0) at the bottom-left corner, (1, 1) at the top-right corner of the layer.
  • "color": displayed as a color picker.
  • "image": displayed as a layer reference input.

ISF Built-in Uniforms

Here are how the plug-in determines ISF built-in uniforms' values:

Uniform Description
TIME When you load a shader referring to this uniform, the hidden parameters appear in the Effect Controls panel. You can use either layer time or custom value.
TIMEDELTA Always set to a value that equals to an expression thisComp.frameDuration
FRAMEINDEX Equivalent to TIME / TIMEDELTA, or TIME * (fps).

ISF4AE-specific Uniforms

Inputs whose names begin with i4a_ are reserved by the plug-in. When you define the inputs shown below, the plug-in automatically binds values that would be useful to access the status of the Preview panel from a shader.

Name ISF Type Description
"i4a_Downsample" point2D Downsampling factor in Preview panel. For instance, the value is set to (0.5, 0.5) in half resolution.
"i4a_CustomUI" bool Set to true when the effect requests an image for Custom Comp UI, which is only visible when you click and focus the effect title in the Timeline / Effect Controls panels. The pass returned by a shader will be overlayed onto the result layer.
NOTE: you cannot refer to any image inputs on this pass.
bool For referring After Effects' current color scheme to draw Custom Comp UI. Only available when i4a_CustomUI is true.
"i4a_UIShadowOffset" point2D Same as above. Unlike user-defined inputs, the range of value is not normalized and will be passed in absolute px.
float Same as above. Passed in px.

How to Build

  1. Download After Effects Plug-in SDK 2022 Mac - Oct 2021.

  2. Clone this repo including its submodule, as shown below:

# At the root folder of SDK
cd Examples/Effect
git clone
git submodule update --init
  1. Open the Xcode project and build it. The binary will automatically be copied under /Library/Application Support/Adobe/Common/Plug-ins/7.0/MediaCore/.


This plug-in has been published under an MIT License. See the included LICENSE file.

Similar Projects

  • PixelsWorld: Scripting environment that supports Lua, GLSL, and
  • Pixel Blender Accelator: A plug-in to run Pixel Blender, a shader format supported in Adobe products previously, in modern versions of AE.
  • AE-GLSL: Working-in-progress repository by cryo9, which hinted me how to interoperate OpenGL and After Effects SDK.
