Brian Koontz
Brian Koontz
> I opened #11 if you want to take a look into it :) I forked and tried your fix, unfortunately still getting the same error.
@tiagoalmeidadarosa Sadly that didn't work for me. I followed the trail [here]( and ended up hacking my build yaml: ``` - uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: "Change perms on GITHUB_WORKSPACE" run:...
@rickstaa #11 didn't work for me, so I'm not sure what that will accomplish. Although I do find it amusing I have sudo access in a runner, and there doesn't...
@rickstaa Working on that fix now...
@rickstaa I test v1.3.0 (which I believe has #11 applied), and all is working again. Thank you!
This is great, thanks! So what do you need me to do? (Sorry, don't work much with github PRs...)
Ah, that makes sense. Done.
It's not really clear what is going on here: So the PR is running *my* CI tests? At any rate, there were two issues: (1) Tags aren't copied over to...
No problem, let me try with the latest version and I'll report back.