Kevin Gibbons
Kevin Gibbons
In #167 we chose merge-within-scopes; it seems natural to use the same process to merge each individual same-scoped mapping as is used for the top-level one.
Iterator helpers are unlikely to get `first` or `last` methods at all, IMO. They don't seem clearly motivated to me for iterators and I don't think anyone's expressed interest in...
Thanks for the info @benlesh! Some thoughts: > `zip`: It's sister operation `combineLatest` is MUCH more popular... That was initially surprising to me, but thinking about it more it makes...
The main relevant difference between observables and iterators is that it is much more natural to only care about the latest result when working with observables. A lot of the...
FWIW I think at least `some` / `every` / `find` / `reduce` are still natural things to want for events. For `some` / `every`, you might want to check if...
Relevantly, the current plan is for [async iterator helpers]( (which are stage 2) to have `map` return an async iterator, and `some` return a Promise. Honestly I can't really imagine...
Some previous discussion in
(On the subject of naming, Rust [spells this `.inspect`](
I would maybe call it `inspect`, following [Rust]( That seems like a more obvious name. But either's ok.
I think you misread my comment (which was not all that clear, sorry). `Iterator.from` does _not_ throw when given a string. This makes it different from `flatMap`, which _does_ throw...