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Prometheus exporter for php-fpm status.

Results 19 php-fpm-exporter issues
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Hi, I'm starting the exporter like this: ` /usr/bin/php-fpm-exporter --addr :8080 --fastcgi unix://var/run/php5-fpm.sock` The socket address is valid and nginx is connecting to it. There are no permission issues for...

# Description Currently, the exporter will hang forever on a hung php-fpm that is not accepting on the socket or is not replying with a status page. You can reproduce...

This Pull Request allows setting constant label for collected metrics. Might be useful to distinguish different services in Prometheus

Hi there 👋 I am looking for alerting rules that fit with this exporter, in order to feed an "awesome" collection: The goal is to offer "out-of-the-box" rules in...

Basic idea: pass a configuration file as a new, optional argument. The config file specifies HTTP authentication credentials and/or SSL/TLS authentication certificates. Syntax: YAML If the config file has been...

Much of this needs to be refactored, but this was a straightforward way to get his done.

Just wanted to make you aware that I just published a [Grafana dashboard]( for use with this exporter. Thanks for the work!

I read up the www.conf that came along with a fresh install of php-fpm... There is something very interesting there: ``` ; By default the status page only outputs short...