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Better Call Dev backend
Possibly a frontend bug, apologies if this is the wrong repo. On both 4.1.0 and master. Temple wallet fails to fetch from localhost:20000/chains/main/blocks/head/hash, presumably a cors issue because of the...
With tqtezos/flextesa:20211025 (as it is currently in docker-compose.flextesa.yml): Indexer: **ERR error="Invalid chain_id: NetXgbFy27eBoxH (state) != NetXzcB5DmnBoxG (head)"** Updating docker-compose.flextesa.yml to: image: **tqtezos/flextesa:20211206** command: **hangzbox** start Indexer: **ERR error="Unknown protocol: PtHangz2aRngywmSRGGvrcTyMbbdpWdpFKuS4uMWxg2RaH9i1qx"**...
First, apologies if this isn't the correct repo to report this issue in. I'm running into a problem when the bytes I'm storing are returned as a string by the...
Hi, when an entrypoint has one parameter of type OR, BCD does not find the entrypoint name. For example : https://better-call.dev/florencenet/KT1DHT7AQog7Ybnxm3yHSGUk2B1oY75zuKym/code The entrypoint's name is displayed as `entrypoint_2` while it...
I have this FA2 contract deployed on edo testnet with off_chain views for metadata. https://better-call.dev/edo2net/KT1PaRe6pHNZi8A4cNTzVZjjUMpomu7K97zK/operations I have implemented `custom` view approach to the token metadata according to tzip-12. https://gitlab.com/smondet/tzip/-/blob/smondet-tzip-12-with-16/proposals/tzip-12/tzip-12.md#token-metadata-storage-access For...