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billing templates
I would be convenient if we could set some templates, like for instance default billing name, instead of being:
FACTURE-N (a bit redundant, "facture N° FACTURE-4")
but something like
quoteref-N (so "facture N° 12c-4" for example)
(in the same spirit, if would be convenient to set a default payment method for a given quote, so every relevant invoices is already set)
Tell if this version correct this bug
The custom prefix works. Though, if I completely remove the prefix, I still get the "-" in front of the number, so I guess "Facture n° -2" etc. The "-" should be part of the configurable part.
It is possible to use "quoteref" (the quote reference name) as prefix? What is the syntax to be used, if so?
It is possible to use "quoteref" (the quote reference name) as prefix? What is the syntax to be used, if so?
Yes it's possible but it's not a priority sorry /o\
The custom prefix works. Though, if I completely remove the prefix, I still get the "-" in front of the number, so I guess "Facture n° -2" etc. The "-" should be part of the configurable part.
No, "-" appear if the option is empty. So just configure what you want.
Yes it's possible but it's not a priority sorry /o\
:-) No problem, just asking.
No, "-" appear if the option is empty. So just configure what you want.
Ahem. So it is mandatory to have a prefix, we cannot have simple Facture n° 2 for instance? Ok, that is not a problem.
Thanks for your attention.
Ahem. So it is mandatory to have a prefix, we cannot have simple Facture n° 2 for instance? Ok, that is not a problem.
Je passe en français. Si tu veux "Facture n° N" Il faut écrire en prefix : "Facture n°"
Si tu veux juste que le numéro apparaisse, effectivement ça n'est pas possible. Je n'avais pas pensé à ce cas :)
Si je mets en préfixe "Facture n°", le titre de la facture devient "Facture N° Facture n°-1".
Si je ne m'abuse, le titre est toujours : Facture N° $PREFIX-$NNNN
Du coup, si on met facture dans le préfixe, c'est un peu redondant. En ne mettant rien, on a toujours le tiret, mais ça ne doit pas être un cas de figure si fréquent. Si on veut quelque chose de minimaliste, F comme préfixe donc Facture n° F-1, ce qui me semble très correct.
J'ai compris ça y est ... je pense qu'il faut juste retirer le Facture n°, que je mette autre chose à la place ...
Bien vu !!!
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