OpenVehicleVision copied to clipboard
The dataset data type might be removed in a future release. To work with heterogeneous data, use the MATLAB® table data type instead. See MATLAB table documentation for more information.
input_video = '%datasets\2016_0208_103559_417.MOV';
Out.namefmt = '%%Out/%04d.jpg';
Out.roi = [480 640];
Out.fps = 2;
vvDataset.vid2img(input_video, Out);
roi_1920x1280 = {401:880,641:1280};%{301:780,641:1280};%{42:2:1000,321:2:1600};
roi_1280x720 = {141:620,321:960}; % {length(141:620),length(321:960)}
% input_video = 'HPIM0061.MOV';
% out_dir = 'HPIM0061';
% mkdir(out_dir);
% Out.namefmt = [out_dir '/%04d.jpg']; % use %% instead of %
% Out.fps = 5;
% Out.roi = roi_1920x1280;
% Out.size = [480, 640];
% vvDataset.vid2img(input_video, Out);
% return;
% input_video = 'HPIM0053.MOV';
% out_dir = 'HPIM0053';
% mkdir(out_dir);
% Out.namefmt = [out_dir '/%04d.jpg']; % use %% instead of %
% Out.fps = 5;
% Out.roi = roi_1920x1280;
% Out.size = [480, 640];
% vvDataset.vid2img(input_video, Out);
% General Properties:
% Name: 'EMER0009.MOV'
% Path: 'F:\Documents\pku-road-dataset\1'
% Duration: 180.1800
% CurrentTime: 0
% Tag: ''
% UserData: []
% Video Properties:
% Width: 1920
% Height: 1080
% FrameRate: 29.9700
% BitsPerPixel: 24
% VideoFormat: 'RGB24'
% input_video = 'EMER0009.MOV';
% out_dir = 'EMER0009';
% mkdir(out_dir);
% Out.namefmt = [out_dir '/%04d.jpg']; % use %% instead of %
% Out.fps = 5;
% Out.roi = roi_1920x1280;
% Out.size = [480, 640];
% vvDataset.vid2img(input_video, Out);
% General Properties:
% Name: 'AW_20160209_075607A.avi'
% Path: 'F:\Documents\pku-road-dataset\1'
% Duration: 60.3000
% CurrentTime: 0
% Tag: ''
% UserData: []
% Video Properties:
% Width: 1280
% Height: 720
% FrameRate: 30
% BitsPerPixel: 24
% VideoFormat: 'RGB24'
input_video = 'AW_20160209_075607A.avi';
out_dir = 'AW_20160209_075607A';
Out.namefmt = [out_dir '/%04d.jpg']; % use %% instead of %
Out.fps = 5;
Out.roi = roi_1280x720;
Out.size = [480, 640];
vvDataset.vid2img(input_video, Out);
% vidObj = VideoReader(input_video);