boteye copied to clipboard
你好,我刚接触这方面内容,所以有不少问题想要跟大佬们请教一下: 问题一,标定文件中,大多数都是简写,我是小白所以希望大佬能帮忙解释一下各个参数的含义,Imu: accel_TK,accel_bias,gyro_TK,gyro_bias, accel_noise_var, angv_noise_var,D_T_I。Camera: D_T_C_l,D_T_C_r,cameraK_l, cameraK_r,dist_coeff_l,dist_coeff_r, img_size。 问题二,imu和camera之间的坐标变换矩阵又是如何进行确定的。 问题三,我想得到imu标定参数,包括1、加速度计测量噪声标准偏差。2、陀螺仪测量噪声标准偏差。3、加速度计偏置随机工作噪声标准偏差。4、陀螺仪偏置随机工作噪声标准偏差。5、重力量级。 问题四、我使用了本产品作为slam的输入,但是出现了跑飞的情况,即使摄像机不动,仍然会飞出很远,请问这是什么原因引起的。 再次感谢各位大佬对我进行指导。
corrected_accel = accel_TK * (raw_accel - accel_bias)
corrected_gyro = gyro_TK * (raw_gyro - gyro_bias)
accel_noise_var: the noise std ^2
angv_noise_var: the noise std ^2
D_T_I: The transformation from {I}mu to {D}evice.
D_T_C_l: The transformation from {C}amera_left to {D}evice. Note that in boteye, we set {D} to {Cl}
D_T_C_r: The transformation from {C}amera_right to {D}evice.
cameraK_l: camera left intrinsics.
cameraK_r: camera right intrinsics.
dist_coeff_l: [k1, k2, p1, p2, k3, k4, k5, k6] of camera left
dist_coeff_r: [k1, k2, p1, p2, k3, k4, k5, k6] of camera left
img_size: image size of the camera output (identical for both cameras).
A2: Due to the sensor manufacturing, we simply assume D_T_C is identity. Although the translation can be ~1cm off. Technically, this assumption won't make any difference. If you really care, you can do IMU-camera calibration with Kalibr. although the wrapper is not provided at this moment.
A3: These imu intrinsics are measured and then heuristically tuned for the IMU we use on boteye sensor. The parameters are not exposed at this moment.
A4: Make sure you set the correct -sensor_type. Even w/ a bad calibration it should not fly away when static.