BillCipher copied to clipboard
Information Gathering tool for a Website or IP address
About BillCipher 2.2
Information Gathering tool for a Website or IP address, use some ideas from Devploit. BillCipher can work in any operating system if they have and support Python 2, Python 3, and Ruby.
- DNS Lookup
- Whois Lookup
- GeoIP Lookup
- Subnet Lookup
- Port Scanner
- Page Links
- Zone Transfer
- HTTP Header
- Host Finder
- IP-Locator
- Find Shared DNS Servers
- Get Robots.txt
- Host DNS Finder
- Reserve IP Lookup
- Email Gathering (use Infoga)
- Subdomain listing (use Sublist3r)
- Find Admin login site (use Breacher)
- Check and Bypass CloudFlare (use HatCloud)
- Website Copier (use httrack) NEW!
- Host Info Scanner (use WhatWeb) NEW!
Install and Run in Linux
sudo apt update && sudo apt install ruby python python-pip python3 python3-pip
sudo apt install httrack whatweb
git clone
cd BillCipher
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Install and Run in Windows
Download and run Python 2.7.x and Python 3.7 setup file from
- In Customize Python 2.7.x, find Add python.exe to Path and select Will be installed on local hard drive.
- In Install Python 3.7, enable Add Python 3.6 to PATH
Download and run Ruby-lang setup file from, choose Add Ruby executables to your PATH and Use UTF-8 as default external encoding.
Download and run Git setup file from, choose Use Git from Windows Command Propmt.
Afther that, Run Command Propmt and enter this commands:
git clone
cd BillCipher
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
BillCipher uses some ideas from Devploit and that is use HackerTarget API.
All the tools: Breacher, Infoga, HatCloud and Sublist3r are tools from other developers, not programmed by GitHackTools.
Screenshots (Older version)
Thanks to Thanks to GitHackTools (myself) for programming this tool
Contact to Author
Twitter: @SecureGF
Facebook: @GitHackTools
Google Plus: +TVT618
To-do list
- Create a own version for the Hacker's OS like Kali Linux, ParrotSec (Kali version)
- Add more features
- Gather information about host (2.2) DONE!
- Website Copier (use bhttrack and only support for Linux) (2.2) DONE!
- And more...