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Error loading frame for modelPreprocessMovie
Hi there, I've been trying to get ciatah working on my ubuntu 20.04 machine. After some tinkering I've got videos loaded and can even take a folder with a bunch of UCLA miniscope avi files through the viewMovieRegistrationTest step.
However, when I try and run that same folder with the same regex strings through modelPreprocessMovie I get a blank image for selecting the ROI for motion correction. If I drag and double click anyway, i get an indexing error (see below).
I'm not 100% sure of the workflow here, if it would be better for me to try and downsample and convert to h5 first (running modelDownsampleRawMovies throws no errors but produces no output). Any help would be greatly appreciated!
@@@@@@@ Index in position 1 is invalid. Array indices must be positive integers or logical values.
Error in ciatah/modelPreprocessMovieFunction>localfxn_turboregCropSelection (line 2563) thisFrameCropped = thisFrame(pts(2):pts(4), pts(1):pts(3));
Error in ciatah/modelPreprocessMovieFunction (line 637) [turboRegCoords] = localfxn_turboregCropSelection(options,folderList);
Error in ciatah/modelPreprocessMovie (line 42) obj.modelPreprocessMovieFunction('folderListPath',folderListInfo,'fileFilterRegexp',options.fileFilterRegexp,'datasetName',options.datasetName,'frameList',[]);
Error in ciatah/runPipeline (line 209) obj.(thisFxn{1});
Error in ciatah/display (line 6) obj.runPipeline; @@@@@@@ Warning: User likely did not give calciumImagingAnalysis a proper raw input file regular expression or incorrect HDF5 input dataset name!
In ciatah/modelPreprocessMovieFunction (line 642) In ciatah/modelPreprocessMovie (line 42) In ciatah/runPipeline (line 209) In ciatah/display (line 6)