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IoT Traffic Monitor
Below is the architecture diagram for IoT Traffic Monitor application. Read the article at InfoQ
Traffic Monitor application uses following tools and technologies.
- JDK - 1.8
- Maven - 3.3.9
- ZooKeeper - 3.4.8
- Kafka - 2.10-
- Cassandra - 2.2.6
- Spark - 1.6.2 Pre-built for Hadoop 2.6
- Spring Boot - 1.3.5
- jQuery.js
- Bootstrap.js
- Sockjs.js
- Stomp.js
- Chart.js
IoT Traffic Monitor is a Maven Aggregator project. It includes following three projects.
- IoT Kafka Producer
- IoT Spark Processor
- IoT Spring Boot Dashboard
For building these projects it requires following tools. Please refer files of individual projects for more details.
- JDK - 1.8
- Maven - 3.3.9
Use below command to build all projects.
mvn package