Fredrik Bagge Carlson

Results 317 issues of Fredrik Bagge Carlson

I frequenctly find myself calling ```julia @time_imports using SlowPackage ``` followed by a restart of julia and then ```julia @time using SlowPackage ``` to get the total time. It would...


A simple notbook with only `import PlotlyJS` makes the built-in package manager go bananas, it wants to restart immediately and repeatedly ![image]( no problem in the standard REPL ![image]( I...

package manager

These are all attmepts at getting rid of the marker stroke, and they all fail. The stroke gets thinner, but does not dissappear. ```julia theme(:juno) scatter(randn(3)) ``` ![tt2]( ```julia theme(:juno)...


If the cursor is located in the debug console and the prompt is empty, pressing `enter` throws the error below. This does not really cause any problems, the debugger still...

An attempt at fixing #1826 This change makes namespacing in - work quite easily. If the change in this PR is okay, I'll add some tests.

Flattening a system that contains `connect` statements produces an invalid system ```julia julia> structural_simplify(sys_outer) Model outer with 7 equations ... julia> structural_simplify(ModelingToolkit.flatten(sys_outer)) ERROR: ExtraVariablesSystemException: The system is unbalanced. There are...

While trying to implement a new features in MTK, I realized that I am not 100% sure about the difference between these three functions. The documentation makes me no wiser...


This PR - Fixes the sizes of matrices when there are input derivatives present. - Ensures that the input parameters are in the correct order as specified by the user,...

When one wants to `linearize` a model that is set up for simulation, one must redefine the model by disconnecting input sources that corresponds to the inputs with which one...


An *incredibly common* error that makes the user experience bad for both new and experienced users of MTK is the fact that one can not use ```julia sys.x ``` to,...