tinylist icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
tinylist copied to clipboard

Note-keeping/checklist application for use across devices, while respecting privacy.


A secure, anonymous, minimalist PWA checklists application.

  • No advertisement or tracking
  • Free to use and open source
  • Does not require any registration
  • Usable on any modern internet-connected device (but works offline!)
  • Also installs as an app on your phone or tablet
  • Secure and anonymous
  • Share notes with others without exposing your data

Video description of the project: https://tilvids.com/videos/watch/d0760bff-6e2a-4435-b056-766d03c85fe3

Feature Roadmap

  1. Squash bugs
  2. ~~Undo delete of documents~~
  3. ~~Alphabetical sort for checklists~~
  4. ~~Markdown support for notes~~
  5. ~~Dark mode~~
  6. ~~True list view~~
  7. ~~Enhance PWA 'add to homescreen' functionality~~
  8. ~~Ability to 'pin' notes/checklists to the top~~
  9. ~~Import/export of data~~
  10. Update to Vue 3 / Quasar 2
  11. Encrypt individual notes/checklists
  12. Support for image attachments
  13. Labels
  14. ~~Archiving~~
  15. Internationalization

Support If You're a Fan

If you like this project, please consider supporting it. I do not monetize the app and have to pay hosting costs.

Tech Stack Employed (and shout-outs)


Install the dependencies

npm install

Install Quasar CLI

npm -g @quasar/cli

Start the app in development mode (hot-code reloading, error reporting, etc.)

quasar dev

Lint the files

npm run lint

Build the app for production

quasar build -m pwa

Customize the configuration

See Configuring quasar.conf.js.

Running the App on Docker

Docker instructions are available to run the app using docker-compose.

Running your own database instance

Instructions here for installing and configuring your own CouchDB instance.