Chris Ward
Chris Ward
Oh! My mistake! That makes a lot of sense!
Hey, @carloslancha are you still working on this or is it on pause now?
@carloslancha It has been. Please! Take all the time you need. There really is no rush. I just wanted to check in with you!
I think all of these: ``` '10 in humanoid form, 11 (natural armor) in bear and hybrid form', '10 in humanoid form, 11 (natural armor) in boar or hybrid form',...
I was thinking probably something like this: ```json { // Stuff "armor": { "armor_class": 12, "armor_special": [ { "type": "spell", "spell": "mage armor", "armor_class": 15 } ] } // Other...
Sorry about that. >___
I'm trying to remember how we've handled stuff like this in the past.
For something like: ``` "formulas": "mage_armor" ``` Does it make sense for us to link the spell in some way?
An alternative approach building off of that could be: ``` "formula": "spell" "spell": { "name": "Mage Armor", "index": "mage-armor", "url": "/api/spells/mage-armor" } ```
Now that lycanthropes are split apart, this should resolve a couple of the outliers.