tplant copied to clipboard
Typescript to plantuml
Typescript to UML (PlantUML)
Will convert a Typescript file to UML diagram. Following all inheritances.
npm install --global tplant
Generate image file (svg or png)
tplant --input test/Playground/**/*.ts --output test/Playground/Playground.svg
tplant --input test/Playground/Classes/Greeter.ts --output test/Playground/Classes/Greeter.png
Internet connection is required
Generate puml file
tplant --input test/Playground/**/*.ts --output test/Playground/Playground.puml
tplant --input test/Playground/Classes/Greeter.ts --output test/Playground/Classes/Greeter.puml
-i, --input
Define the path of the Typescript file
-o, --output
Define the path of the output file. If not defined, it'll output on the STDOUT
-p, --project
Compile a project given a valid configuration file.
The argument can be a file path to a valid JSON configuration file, or a directory path to a directory containing a tsconfig.json file.
-A, --associations
Show associations between classes with cardinalities
class Wheel {
public size: number;
class Car {
public wheel: Wheel[];
class Wheel {
+size: number
class Car {
+wheel: Wheel
Car --> "*" Wheel
-I, --only-interfaces
Only convert interfaces
-f, --format mermaid
By default it is plantuml
If mermaid
is specific, then the class diagram is generated for mermaidjs
--targetClass MyClass
If specified will generated the hierarchy class diagram of the specified class
For generating images may need to install graphviz or update to most recent version.