Richard Willis

Results 80 comments of Richard Willis

This is related to and The problem is that I can't change the gradle working directory, so gradle will inherit the working directory from the java process that...

Although your case seems a little different, i'm surprised the working directory is `/Users/roger/.gradle/daemon/6.7/`. Either way, I will fix the gradle server cwd issue and we'll see if that resolves...

When I last looked at this I couldn't understand it, as buildship and this extension are both using the Gradle Tooling API, so it *should* be using the same daemon....

Can you show me a screenshot of the logs?

You need to change `appname` to match the name of the app you're deploying, and this app needs to exist on the dokku server: ```bash dokku apps:create appname ```

I'm not pushing you to use it, in fact it was just a proof of concept and opportunity to upskill on Typescript and react. I will however say I'm rather...

Thanks for the reply @nikithauc Tbh I still don't fully understand why it's up to the consumer to provide the correct types. Perhaps another package is required? One that provides...

This change fixes `.measure()` in my scenario where row element heights have dynamically changed, would be great to see it released. [edit] This is the workaround i'm using until this...

I'm struggling with this too. I'm doing http => https scheme redirection but this breaks the letsencrypt http challenge, thus I want to exclude `.well-known/acme-challenge/.*` from the redirection but can't...

The problem is the usage of lodash `_.lowerCase`. Have a look at the docs: It's converting `aaa-aa` to `aaa aa` and thus this conditional check is failing: which...