mch2022-firmware-esp32 copied to clipboard
ESP32 launcher firmware for the MCH2022 badge
MCH2022 ESP32 firmware: Launcher
This repository contains the ESP32 part of the firmware for the MCH2022 badge. This firmware allows for device testing, setup, OTA updates and of course launching apps.
ESP-IDF and submodules
This project uses the ESP-IDF SDK (v4.4.4). You can either install this SDK manually following the instructiosn on the Espressif website or you can automatically install the SDK by running make prepare
in a git clone of this repository.
Downloading this repository as a ZIP file on Github results in an incomplete archive missing all submodules. Be sure to clone using git!
The source code contained in this repository is licensed under terms of the MIT license, more information can be found in the LICENSE file.
Some source code is licensed separately, please check the following table for details.
Location | Version | License | Author |
esp-idf | 4.4.4 | Apache License 2.0 | Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD |
components/appfs | THE BEER-WARE LICENSE Revision 42 | Jeroen Domburg [email protected] | |
components/bus-i2c | MIT | Nicolai Electronics | |
components/i2c-bno055 | MIT | Nicolai Electronics | |
components/mch2022-rp2040 | MIT | Renze Nicolai | |
components/pax-graphics | MIT | Julian Scheffers | |
components/pax-keyboard | MIT | Julian Scheffers | |
components/sdcard | MIT | Nicolai Electronics | |
components/spi-ice40 | MIT | Nicolai Electronics | |
components/spi-ili9341 | MIT | Nicolai Electronics | |
components/ws2812 | MIT | Unlicense / Public domain | |
tools/libusb-1.0.dll | GNU LGPL 2.1 | See the AUTHORS document of the project |
Some of the icons in resources/icons
are licensed under MIT license Copyright (c) 2019-2021 The Bootstrap Authors
. The source files for these icons can be found at
The BadgePython logo may only be used as icon for the BadgePython project.
How to build the firmware
Downloading the source code, installing the SDK and building the firmware can be done using the following commands:
git clone --recursive
cd mch2022-firmware-esp32
make prepare
make build
How to flash and start the monitor
Flashing the firmware to a device and starting the debug monitor can be done using the following commands:
make flash
make monitor
USB tools
In mch2022-tools
you will find command line tools to push files and apps to the badge etc., and a short manual on how to use them.
Linux permissions
Create /etc/udev/rules.d/99-mch2022.rules
with the following contents:
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="16d0", ATTR{idProduct}=="0f9a", MODE="0666"
Then run the following commands to apply the new rule:
sudo udevadm control --reload-rules
sudo udevadm trigger
Ubuntu snap
While we have no idea why Canonical thinks breaking things by forcing Ubuntu users to use a bad software distribution system, we do have a solution!
Install the Chromium snap package, then run the following command (in addition to adding the udev rule above). If you already have the badge connected turn it off and back on after running the command.
sudo snap connect chromium:raw-usb