Protip for meanwhile: I had a situation where my iPad died from a full disk and would not boot past black screen white Apple logo. I was able to solve...
Either @pwn20wndstuff or @sbingner tweeted that “Elucubratus” (whatever that is, it’s defined nowhere?) “is now open source”, and unc0ver was also claimed to be open source I thought? So where...
PowerApp in BigBoss is what I use, very good little app.
@tomaszpoliszuk Omg I had this exact same issue and I was stumped bc the setting doesn’t state what exactly IS the gesture to bring dock up in apps, anyway you...
Flag -m is for USB-C compatibility on M1 Macs. Thanks I will try this!
I spent two hours tinkering with commenting out bool debug_enabled / changing it to extern bool in the various locations like main.c, include/io/iousb.h etc and somehow got it to finally...
> Crash log? Ask and you shall receive! The weird thing is I swear my system has so many copies of Swift, I even did a search a while back...
It was installed, but I removed both TSSSaver and libswift, and reinstalled, and now all is well. Very strange. I even did a findutils “locate libswift” to see where it...
No I don’t know but I’ve always wondered as well! Can’t wait to hear the answer. On Wed, Jan 15, 2020 at 5:25 AM Danylo Kostyshyn wrote: > Does anyone...