I’m new to iOS development so I don’t really know what I’m doing but I had to tinker with it an insane amount to even get a simple `stdio.h void...
@kirb thanks I will try this. It’s encouraging that you seem to be suggesting it shouldn’t be so difficult. Are you certain that one can take a freshly jailbroken device,...
@kirb BTW now that I visit your official install link, I see where it all went wrong. Step 5 says `Get an iOS SDK:` `You can get patched SDKs from...
```==> Compiling Tweak.x (armv7)… ``` ```bash: line 1: 34343 Killed: 9 ( clang++``` This Killed: 9 seems like the most obvious culprit. I use unc0ver and I’ve battled this error...
@Wolkex3 i was able to use a 9V battery to power the bus while I connected it to the cp2112! Revived 4 Spark batteries that way. I think it was...
@hlyl i just used alligator clips with paper clips bent for pins into the connector, using the 4 wires I mentioned immediately above.
@viraptor I got a good laugh reading your link to wtfpl 😂 👏🏼 I love it!
~~Run a terminal “`updatedb`”, (make sure your Files app is not connected to any file servers or this will fail. “`mount`” should reveal if you have any LiveFiles:// mounted, hopefully...
@funchrist ~~The solution is to use Choicy to Disable All Tweaks for daemons power log helpers and powerUIagent (I probably typed those wrong but if you Show All Daemons you'll...
Is it not working? I had to stick with 6.2.0 on my A9 and A9X.