Shiny.Calculator icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
Shiny.Calculator copied to clipboard

A REPL calculator and an x86 asm emulator for developers

Shiny Calculator


A REPL calculator that helps developers with everyday tasks that require different types of calculations.

This project aims to provide a handy tool to learn binary, prototype different bit hacking solutions, learn assembly and how the CPU works, and have a tool that can solve problems from different domains.

Shiny Calculator is written in C# and targets .net 5.0


  • Number calculations
  • Bit manipulation (with explain mode)
  • Assembly code execution (the engine features an x86 assembly simulator)
  • Text manipulation and parsing
  • Blocks that enable the user to write programs that mix all high-level expressions with low-level assembly
  • User-friendly error messages
  • Tests and diagnostics that are integrated into the tool
  • Others

Assembly code execution is currently limited to a handful of instructions, but it will support most of the instructions that current compilers use to generate code.


Clone the project and build it using .net 5 by running:

dotnet build -c Release

The executable should be located in:


The calculator uses VT-100 mode, which means you should run in a terminal that supports this mode like Windows Terminal.


Feature Notes

  • Commands

The calculator has many commands that are useful like:

Displays the help screen
Enables the explain mode where each sub-expression is displayed as a binary result
Clears the screen
Displays the declared variables
Displays the x86 registers
Displays the x86 memory
  • Blocks

Blocks allow writing programs in the calculator; a block will execute all of the commands sequentially.


A block starts with { and ends with }. Each time a start block symbol is used, the REPL will switch from single-line mode to multi-line mode.

  • X86 assembly emulation

You can write X86 assembly code and mix it with calulation expresions.


  • Error Messages



Copyright © 2021 Bartosz Adamczewski