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[question] Errors running bactopia singularity container in slurm cluster (ComputeCanada)

Open azmigueldario opened this issue 2 years ago • 5 comments


I have been trying to run the bactopia pipeline from the singularity (supported in my cluster) container pulled from

I managed to download the datasets, which worked only by running the container with a clean environment singularity exec -e ...

My first try with the main bactopia pipeline failed to execute singularity from inside the container to pull all the necessary tools from the registry. I got them outside the pipeline after failing to adjust it. The file of filenames check did not report an issue

Now, I am trying to get the main pipeline to run again and there seems to be an error in submitting jobs.

#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=4G #  GB of memory per cpu core
#SBATCH --time=01:00:00
#SBATCH --ntasks=4 # tasks in parallel / number of cores
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=1 # number of cores per task
#SBATCH --job-name="main_workflow_bactopia"
#SBATCH --chdir=/scratch/mdprieto/
#SBATCH --output=./temp_results/%j_main_bactopia_nov26.out

################################## preparation #########################################

# load singularity
module load singularity
odule load nextflow

# mount my filesystem inside container, localscratch allows job to use compute node temp folder
BIND_MOUNT="-B /home,/project,/scratch,/localscratch,/localscratch:/temp,/opt,/cvmfs"

# git directory with input variables

# make output directory if necessary\
mkdir -p /scratch/mdprieto/temp_results/bactopia_output/

# define new temp folders for singularity
mkdir -p /scratch/$USER/singularity/tmp
export SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR="/project/6007413/cidgoh_share/singularity_imgs"
export SINGULARITY_TMPDIR="/scratch/$USER/singularity/tmp"

# export PATH to run singularity to container

################################## BACTOPIA  #########################################

singularity exec -e $BIND_MOUNT bactopia_2.1.1.sif bactopia \
    --samples $kleb_git/kleb_qatar_fofn.txt \
    --datasets /scratch/mdprieto/datasets \
    --outdir /scratch/mdprieto/temp_results/bactopia_output/ \
    --species "Klebsiella pneumoniae" \
    --genome_size median \
    --singularity_cache $SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR \
    --max_cpus 2 \
    --verbose \
    -profile slurm,singularity \

I have tried to change the -profile to slurm or singularity alone too with the same results. Also tried to run with more memory just in case.

My error is that the command fails to run BACTOPIA: GATHER SAMPLES repeatedly. I am not that knowledgeable in nextflow yet so I am struggling to troubleshoot, any suggestions are welcome.


2022-11-27 13:32:48:root:STDERR - 
2022-11-27 13:32:48:root:INFO - Checking if environment pre-builds are needed
2022-11-27 13:32:48:root:DEBUG - Working on bactopia
2022-11-27 13:32:48:root:INFO - Found Singularity images in /project/6007413/cidgoh_share/singularity_imgs, if a complete rebuild is needed please use --force_rebuild
2022-11-27 13:32:48:root:DEBUG - Existing image (/project/6007413/cidgoh_share/singularity_imgs/ found, skipping unless --force is used
2022-11-27 13:32:48:root:DEBUG - Existing image (/project/6007413/cidgoh_share/singularity_imgs/ found, skipping unless --force is used
2022-11-27 13:32:48:root:DEBUG - Existing image (/project/6007413/cidgoh_share/singularity_imgs/ found, skipping unless --force is used
2022-11-27 13:32:49:root:DEBUG - Existing image (/project/6007413/cidgoh_share/singularity_imgs/ found, skipping unless --force is used
2022-11-27 13:32:49:root:DEBUG - Existing image (/project/6007413/cidgoh_share/singularity_imgs/ found, skipping unless --force is used
2022-11-27 13:32:49:root:DEBUG - Existing image (/project/6007413/cidgoh_share/singularity_imgs/ found, skipping unless --force is used
2022-11-27 13:32:49:executor.process:DEBUG - Executing external command: bash -c 'date > /project/6007413/cidgoh_share/singularity_imgs/'
2022-11-27 13:32:49:executor.process:DEBUG - Constructing subprocess.Popen object ..
2022-11-27 13:32:49:executor.process:DEBUG - Joining synchronous process using subprocess.Popen.communicate() ..
2022-11-27 13:32:50:executor.process:DEBUG - Got return code 0 from synchronous process (bash -c 'date > /project/6007413/cidgoh_share/singularity_imgs/').
2022-11-27 13:32:50:root:STDOUT - 
2022-11-27 13:32:50:root:STDERR - 
2022-11-27 13:32:50:root:DEBUG - Working on bactopia
2022-11-27 13:32:50:root:DEBUG - Found Singularity image /project/6007413/cidgoh_share/singularity_imgs/, if a complete rebuild is needed please use --force_rebuild
2022-11-27 13:32:50:root:DEBUG - Working on bactopia
2022-11-27 13:32:50:root:DEBUG - Found Singularity image /project/6007413/cidgoh_share/singularity_imgs/, if a complete rebuild is needed please use --force_rebuild
N E X T F L O W  ~  version 22.04.0
Launching `/usr/local/share/bactopia-2.1.x/` [insane_wescoff] DSL2 - revision: 145bb11899

   _                _              _             
  | |__   __ _  ___| |_ ___  _ __ (_) __ _       
  | '_ \ / _` |/ __| __/ _ \| '_ \| |/ _` |   
  | |_) | (_| | (__| || (_) | |_) | | (_| |      
  |_.__/ \__,_|\___|\__\___/| .__/|_|\__,_| 
  bactopia v2.1.1
  Bactopia is a flexible pipeline for complete analysis of bacterial genomes. 
Core Nextflow options
  runName          : insane_wescoff
  containerEngine  : singularity
  container        :
  launchDir        : /scratch/mdprieto
  workDir          : /scratch/mdprieto/work
  projectDir       : /usr/local/share/bactopia-2.1.x
  userName         : mdprieto
  profile          : slurm,singularity
  configFiles      : /usr/local/share/bactopia-2.1.x/nextflow.config

Required Parameters
  samples          : /home/mdprieto/git/klebsiella_Qatar_2022/input/kleb_qatar_fofn.txt

Dataset Parameters
  datasets         : /scratch/mdprieto/datasets
  species          : Klebsiella pneumoniae
  genome_size      : median

Optional Parameters
  outdir           : /scratch/mdprieto/temp_results/bactopia_output/

Max Job Request Parameters
  max_cpus         : 2

Nextflow Profile Parameters
  condadir         : /usr/local/share/bactopia-2.1.x/conda/envs
  registry         : quay
  singularity_cache: /project/6007413/cidgoh_share/singularity_imgs

!! Only displaying parameters that differ from the pipeline defaults !!
If you use bactopia for your analysis please cite:

* Bactopia

* The nf-core framework

* Software dependencies
Found 1 Antimicrobial resistance datasets
Found 4 minmer sketches/signatures
Found Prokka proteins file
Found Mash Sketch of auto variant calling
Found 1 MLST datasets
Found 1 reference genomes
Will use 5650579 bp for genome size

If something looks wrong, now's your chance to back out (CTRL+C 3 times). 
Sleeping for 5 seconds...
[-        ] process > BACTOPIA:GATHER_SAMPLES -
(CP19_S19_L001)' for execution -- Execution is retried (1)
slurmstepd: error: *** JOB 51447211 ON cdr535 CANCELLED AT 2022-11-27T14:33:02 DUE TO TIME LIMIT ***
[-        ] process > BACTOPIA:GATHER_SAMPLES -

[-        ] process > BACTOPIA:GATHER_SAMPLES        -
[-        ] process > BACTOPIA:QC_READS              -
[-        ] process > BACTOPIA:ASSEMBLE_GENOME       -
[-        ] process > BACTOPIA:ASSEMBLY_QC           -
[-        ] process > BACTOPIA:ANNOTATE_GENOME       -
[-        ] process > BACTOPIA:MINMER_SKETCH         -
[-        ] process > BACTOPIA:ANTIMICROBIAL_RESI... -
[-        ] process > BACTOPIA:MINMER_QUERY          -
[-        ] process > BACTOPIA:BLAST                 -
[-        ] process > BACTOPIA:CALL_VARIANTS         -
[-        ] process > BACTOPIA:MAPPING_QUERY         -
[-        ] process > BACTOPIA:SEQUENCE_TYPE         -
[-        ] process > BACTOPIA:CUSTOM_DUMPSOFTWAR... -

[-        ] process > BACTOPIA:GATHER_SAMPLES        [  0%] 0 of 4
[-        ] process > BACTOPIA:QC_READS              -
[-        ] process > BACTOPIA:ASSEMBLE_GENOME       -
[-        ] process > BACTOPIA:ASSEMBLY_QC           -
[-        ] process > BACTOPIA:ANNOTATE_GENOME       -
[-        ] process > BACTOPIA:MINMER_SKETCH         -
[-        ] process > BACTOPIA:ANTIMICROBIAL_RESI... -
[-        ] process > BACTOPIA:MINMER_QUERY          -
[-        ] process > BACTOPIA:BLAST                 -
[-        ] process > BACTOPIA:CALL_VARIANTS         -
[-        ] process > BACTOPIA:MAPPING_QUERY         -
[-        ] process > BACTOPIA:SEQUENCE_TYPE         -
[-        ] process > BACTOPIA:CUSTOM_DUMPSOFTWAR... -

[66/237942] process > BACTOPIA:GATHER_SAMPLES (C1... [ 22%] 2 of 9, failed: 2...
[-        ] process > BACTOPIA:QC_READS              -
[-        ] process > BACTOPIA:ASSEMBLE_GENOME       -
[-        ] process > BACTOPIA:ASSEMBLY_QC           -
[-        ] process > BACTOPIA:ANNOTATE_GENOME       -
[-        ] process > BACTOPIA:MINMER_SKETCH         -
[-        ] process > BACTOPIA:ANTIMICROBIAL_RESI... -
[-        ] process > BACTOPIA:MINMER_QUERY          -
[-        ] process > BACTOPIA:BLAST                 -
[-        ] process > BACTOPIA:CALL_VARIANTS         -
[-        ] process > BACTOPIA:MAPPING_QUERY         -
[-        ] process > BACTOPIA:SEQUENCE_TYPE         -
[-        ] process > BACTOPIA:CUSTOM_DUMPSOFTWAR... -
[50/00f728] NOTE: Error submitting process 'BACTOPIA:GATHER_SAMPLES (C12_S22_L001)' for execution -- Execution is retried (1)
[66/237942] NOTE: Error submitting process 'BACTOPIA:GATHER_SAMPLES (C19_S18_L001)' for execution -- Execution is retried (1)

[37/f4ee7c] process > BACTOPIA:GATHER_SAMPLES (CP... [ 17%] 3 of 17, failed: ...
[-        ] process > BACTOPIA:QC_READS              -
[-        ] process > BACTOPIA:ASSEMBLE_GENOME       -
[-        ] process > BACTOPIA:ASSEMBLY_QC           -
[-        ] process > BACTOPIA:ANNOTATE_GENOME       -
[-        ] process > BACTOPIA:MINMER_SKETCH         -
[-        ] process > BACTOPIA:ANTIMICROBIAL_RESI... -
[-        ] process > BACTOPIA:MINMER_QUERY          -
[-        ] process > BACTOPIA:BLAST                 -
[-        ] process > BACTOPIA:CALL_VARIANTS         -
[-        ] process > BACTOPIA:MAPPING_QUERY         -
[-        ] process > BACTOPIA:SEQUENCE_TYPE         -
[-        ] process > BACTOPIA:CUSTOM_DUMPSOFTWAR... -
[50/00f728] NOTE: Error submitting process 'BACTOPIA:GATHER_SAMPLES (C12_S22_L001)' for execution -- Execution is retried (1)
[66/237942] NOTE: Error submitting process 'BACTOPIA:GATHER_SAMPLES (C19_S18_L001)' for execution -- Execution is retried (1)
[37/f4ee7c] NOTE: Error submitting process 'BACTOPIA:GATHER_SAMPLES (CP19_S19_L001)' for execution -- Execution is retried (1)

[37/f4ee7c] process > BACTOPIA:GATHER_SAMPLES (CP... [ 13%] 3 of 23, failed: ...
[-        ] process > BACTOPIA:QC_READS              -
[-        ] process > BACTOPIA:ASSEMBLE_GENOME       -
[-        ] process > BACTOPIA:ASSEMBLY_QC           -
[-        ] process > BACTOPIA:ANNOTATE_GENOME       -
[-        ] process > BACTOPIA:MINMER_SKETCH         -
[-        ] process > BACTOPIA:ANTIMICROBIAL_RESI... -
[-        ] process > BACTOPIA:MINMER_QUERY          -
[-        ] process > BACTOPIA:BLAST                 -
[-        ] process > BACTOPIA:CALL_VARIANTS         -
[-        ] process > BACTOPIA:MAPPING_QUERY         -
[-        ] process > BACTOPIA:SEQUENCE_TYPE         -
[-        ] process > BACTOPIA:CUSTOM_DUMPSOFTWAR... -
[50/00f728] NOTE: Error submitting process 'BACTOPIA:GATHER_SAMPLES (C12_S22_L001)' for execution -- Execution is retried (1)
[66/237942] NOTE: Error submitting process 'BACTOPIA:GATHER_SAMPLES (C19_S18_L001)' for execution -- Execution is retried (1)
[37/f4ee7c] NOTE: Error submitting process 'BACTOPIA:GATHER_SAMPLES (CP19_S19_L001)' for execution -- Execution is retried (1)

azmigueldario avatar Nov 29 '22 19:11 azmigueldario