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ACRONYM (Acronym CReatiON for You and Me)
ACRONYM (Acronym CReatiON for You and Me)
A python-based tool for creating English-ish Acronyms from your fancy project
is described in this paper released on the arXiv:
can be installed using pip:
$ pip install acronym
Alternatively, you can clone this repository, navigate to the main directory, and run:
$ make install
To use, run like the following:
$ acronym "the long name of your very fancy project"
Collecting word corpus
Identifying matching acronyms
Process Complete
(Score) ACRONYM : Spelling
( 35) TELAMON : ThE Long nAMe of yOur very faNcy project
( 35) THEOGAMY : THE lOnG nAMe of your very fancY project
( 35) THEOGONY : THE lOnG name of yOur very faNcY project
( 34) THEOMANCY : THE lOng naMe of your very fANCY project
( 32) TAVERT : The long nAme of your VEry fancy pRojecT
( 32) TAREFA : The long nAme of youR vEry FAncy project
( 31) TELERAN : ThE Long namE of your veRy fANcy project
( 30) TELFER : ThE Long name oF your vEry fancy pRoject
( 30) THENAR : THE long Name of your very fAncy pRoject
( 30) TARPOT : The long nAme of youR very fancy PrOjecT
( 30) THEREAT : THE long name of youR vEry fAncy projecT
( 30) TORYFY : The lOng name of youR verY FancY project
( 30) THREAP : THe long name of youR vEry fAncy Project
( 30) TELARY : ThE Long nAme of your veRy fancY project
( 30) THEAVE : THE long nAme of your Very fancy projEct
( 30) TEAPOT : ThE long nAme of your very fancy PrOjecT
( 29) THONGMAN : THe lONG naMe of your very fANcy project
( 29) THERENCE : THE long name of youR vEry faNCy projEct
( 28) TONNER : The lONg Name of your vEry fancy pRoject
( 28) TENNER : ThE loNg Name of your vEry fancy pRoject
( 28) TERVEE : ThE long name of youR VEry fancy projEct
( 28) TAVERN : The long nAme of your VERy faNcy project
( 28) TEEVEE : ThE long namE of your VEry fancy projEct
( 28) TYRANT : The long name of YouR very fANcy projecT
( 28) TELEUT : ThE Long namE of yoUr very fancy projecT
( 28) TAUREAN : The long nAme of yoUR vEry fANcy project
( 27) TAVER : The long nAme of your VEry fancy pRoject
( 27) TEARER : ThE long nAme of youR vEry fancy pRoject
( 27) TERRANCE : ThE long name of youR veRy fANCy projEct
( 27) TAYER : The long nAme of Your vEry fancy pRoject
Acronym Scoring System New in Version 2.0.0
For each capitalized letter in the acronym:
* 10 points if first letter in a word (with exception of first letter)
* 3 point if second or last letter in a word
* 1 point otherwise
* N bonus points if begins an N-length valid sub-word
(ex: multiVariable -> 8 bonus points)
* 2 bonus points if immediately following another capitalizd letter
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--min-length MIN_LENGTH
minimum length acronym to generate (default: 4)
--max-length MAX_LENGTH
maximum length acronym to generate (default: 9)
--max-results MAX_RESULTS
maximum number of options to generate (default: 30)
--output OUTPUT file to save results (prints to STDOUT if not given)
(default: STDOUT)
--strict, -s How strictly should the words be related to real
English? (-s for strict, -ss for very strict)
(default: None)