@ThisIsIsaac I've changed the mistake. Em... I think you can train for MLT. Maybe IC15 train has some mistakes. I will refine it when I am no busy.
@ThisIsIsaac In the, code in line 114 should be freeze=False. Sorry, I do not know what's the meaning of PR.
@nbhupendra My method merge the boxes with one line, it can help you?
@ThisIsIsaac thanks for you advice I will merge it
@hanish3464 Yes,thanks for your advice, I noticed the subtle differences,but i do not know how much distance should be reduced.And the main reason is afiinity map which impact the performance.
@yts19871111 the reason is that boxes' width or height smaller than 1 so that can not do the warpaffinity.
@goodluckcwl No. In the [issues #34]( the author said the perforamnce difference was not significant with Resnet or PVAnet. But I plan to train with EfficientNet. I will release the...
@YoungminBaek Thank you for your information. Could you share your lr change details and batch size?
@YoungminBaek How many high loss pixel in the negative pixels are selected? Or selects all high loss pixel in the negative pixels (region where the region score is smaller than...
@YoungminBaek I select all positive pixels and triple negative high loss pixels to train the model, but I found that loss are very high about 4000 when I train for...