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Blueprint for Nutty
You need a real time display. I want to see the speed (up and down) and the total of usage (up and down optional). I had asked you to put it in the wingpanel, but you said that it would limit the sw to one operating system. However, glipper and caffeine are able to show icons in the wingpanel and other os’s too. But maybe only an icon is available for the space provided.
Solution: • Make a frameless window app that is always on top and is a similar size to the wingpanel in height and expands to show the amount of data preferred for display. This app communicates with Nutty. • One can move the frameless window anywhere and it will be persistent • One can double click on the frameless window to bring up Nutty. • Right click on the frameless window will give preference and close options. • Preference Dialog will have check boxes will have display options for: • up speed • down speed • total (up down) • up mb • down mb • total updown mb • total day • total week • total month • speed untis (kbs/Kbs/mbs) • usage will switch to gigabites automatically when over 10 gb ▪ One can set the color and font size transparency of font ▪ Window expands to accommodate information ▪ One can set the transparency of frameless window. ▪ Phase 1 is single row, phase 2 is multi row • Nutty will have a menu item to launch this and to add it to autostart (synapse has this option). • Auto select for the data device so it always works (find the code for gnome system monitor)
In summary, this will be similar to a meter app in android. The frameless window can be placed over the wingpanel of any OS and it will work and is fully customizable. It is best to view the different net usage meter apps available on android and also the stock app. The UI and information has already been worked out by many people in these apps. Just copy it.
Many thanks for the blueprint....this will provide me food for thought as I develop Nutty further. Meanwhile you can play around with conky, it provides a lot of options and I think bandwidth was also included...