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website copied to clipboard

Remove most references to @babel/polyfill in Usage Guide and clarify polyfilling instructions.

Open AndrewSouthpaw opened this issue 3 years ago • 2 comments

Closes (unfortunately filed in the wrong repo, didn't realize the website was a separate one).

Hope this helps! Tweaks are welcome, I was trying to keep with the tone I saw in the docs.

AndrewSouthpaw avatar Dec 01 '20 01:12 AndrewSouthpaw

Deploy preview for babel ready!

Built without sensitive environment variables with commit 1c9209c46aa6f036ea12f2ff9335fce48fd7b7c1

netlify[bot] avatar Dec 01 '20 01:12 netlify[bot]

Fixed a merge conflict. 😄

AndrewSouthpaw avatar Feb 25 '21 19:02 AndrewSouthpaw