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🤖 Implementation of google reCaptcha as a blazor component with support of reCaptcha-V2 and reCaptcha-V3 and server validation

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-Supports Blazor dependency Injection

-Simple to use

-Easy to style the captcha component

-Uses event invocation for validating captcha

-Supports both reCaptcha v2 And v3

-Supports Server Side captcha response validation flow

Release History

-V1: : Experimental. Lots of bugs and now depricated

-V2: : Major Bug Fixes. Interface clean up and added support for events in order to be more flexible and other devs can handle more customized scenarios. But this version also included some major bugs and the method provided for captcha validation wasn't so straight forward. Also the Server side validation flow using secret key was not present and users had to implement most of this feature themselves. Depricated and no longer supported

-V3 : : Duplicate and redundant code got removed. Configuration now has more options and I got rid of most of the bugs. This version also supports reCaptcha V3 and now you have the option to use v2 or v3 according to your need. This version is useful for projects that have been developed using NET 7 and above

-V4 : Update project to NET 8 . Theme configuration added and now both V2 and V3 can be used in the same project and different pages (based on your needs you can use V2 in one page and V3 in another page). Also server side validation is required for both V2 and V3 in this version . This version also have some minor breaking changes. So keep that in mind when updating.

future: There is a long way ahead. Keep posted for more updates and features. I think about version 5 all major updates will have huge breaking changes. I will continue supporting and updating this project until either I'm too old for it or an official solution is available for it.


Package Manager Console

Install-Package GoogleCaptchaComponent 

Dotnet CLI

dotnet add package GoogleCaptchaComponent 


Add the following code to Program.cs . You need to get a site Key from Google

       builder.Services.AddGoogleCaptcha(configuration =>
           configuration.V2SiteKey = "Your V2 site key from Google developer console";
           configuration.V3SiteKey = "Your V3 Site key from Google developer console";
           configuration.DefaultVersion = CaptchaConfiguration.Version.V2;
           configuration.DefaultTheme = CaptchaConfiguration.Theme.Light;
           configuration.DefaultLanguage = CaptchaLanguages.English;

DefaultVersion is the version that will be used if no other versions are specified in component parameters. DefaultTheme is the theme that will be used if no other themes are specified in component parameters. Note that you can only apply version for Recaptcha V2 at the moment. DefaultLanguage is the language that will be used if no other language are specified in component parameters. Note that this can only apply for ReCaptcha V2 at the moment.

Add the following code to _Imports.razor file

@using GoogleCaptchaComponent.Components
@using GoogleCaptchaComponent.Events
@using GoogleCaptchaComponent.Models
@using GoogleCaptchaComponent.Services
@using GoogleCaptchaComponent.Configuration

Add the following code to index.html file at the end of the body tag

<script src="_content/GoogleCaptchaComponent/Scripts/ScriptLoader.js"></script>


first of all add the Captcha Component in the place that you need like this:

<GoogleRecaptcha SuccessCallBack="SuccessCallBack"

SuccessCallBack event is fired when user has successfully validated captcha. This event will be fired after successful validation of ServerSideValidationHandler .After successful validation, response token of reCaptcha is available via CaptchaResponse property of CaptchaSuccessEventArgs class. Code of this handler can be something like this:

void SuccessCallBack(CaptchaSuccessEventArgs e)
       Disabled = false; //Disable attribute of button becomes false for example
       captchaResponse = e.CaptchaResponse; //result recieved from reCaptcha

TimeOutCallBack is called when the validation time of reCaptcha response has expired. Code of this handler can be something like this:

void TimeOutCallBack(CaptchaTimeOutEventArgs e)
      Disabled = true; //Button becomes disable again
      Console.WriteLine($"Captcha Time Out with message {e.ErrorMessage}");
      errorMessage = $"Captcha Timeout: {e.ErrorMessage}";

ServerValidationErrorCallBack is triggered when the validation of captcha response with secret key (that an internal API that holds that secret key had done it) was not successful. Keep in mind that this validation result value is determined by ServerSideValidationHandler result. Code of this handler can be something like this:

 private void ServerSideValidationError(CaptchaServerSideValidationErrorEventArgs e)
       errorMessage = $"Captcha server side validation error: {e.ErrorMessage}";

ServerSideValidationHandler is where you can chack the captcha's validity by secret key.

Important : Never put secret in client code. Secret key must be stored in a safe place so that only your Internal trusted API can have access to it.

Remember : This event must have a related handler. Without handler it will throw CallBackDelegateException

The return of this event (or better called funtion) is Task<ServerSideCaptchaValidationResultModel> . The Model ServerSideCaptchaValidationResultModel has two properties:

IsSuccess : Whether the result of server side validation was successful or not. if true the SuccessCallBack will be triggered. Otherwise ServerValidationErrorCallBack is triggered.

ValidationMessage : Message related to the server side validation result.

the argument ServerSideCaptchaValidationRequestModel is automatically instantiated and no further configuration is needed.

Code of this handler can be something like this:

 /// <summary>
 /// Captcha Verification Should be done by an internal api which holds the secret key
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns></returns>
    private async Task<ServerSideCaptchaValidationResultModel> ServerSideValidationHandler(ServerSideCaptchaValidationRequestModel requestModel)
        using var httpClient = new HttpClient();
        var apiResult = await httpClient.GetFromJsonAsync<GoogleCaptchaCheckResponseResult>($"{requestModel.CaptchaResponse}");
        return new ServerSideCaptchaValidationResultModel(apiResult.Success, string.Join("\n",apiResult.ErrorCodes ?? new List<string>(){"No Error"}));

Version : You can specify version explicitly via this parameter . If you don't specify version , the DefaultVersion will be used instead.

Theme : You can specify theme via this parameter (Theme is only applied to V2). If you don't specify theme , the DefaultTheme will be used instead.

Language: You can specify the ReCaptcha language via this parameter (Language is only applied to V2), If you don't specify the language, the DefaultLanguage will be used instead which is the English Language.

Refreshing The Captcha Manually

Inject the IRecaptchaService and call the ReloadAsync method. If there is a recaptcha component on page , it will reload the component.

@inject IRecaptchaService RecaptchaService

<button class="btn btn-primary" @onclick="ReloadRecapatcha">reload</button>
   private async Task ReloadRecapatcha()
       await RecaptchaService.ReloadAsync();


Give it a chance!

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