pwt.datepicker copied to clipboard
How to select default Year and month for range date picker?
we have such definition for range selector. Range Selector that make sure 'to' date is after 'from' date and also 'from' is before 'to' date.
var to, from;
to = $(".range-to-example").persianDatepicker({
inline: true,
altField: '.range-to-example-alt',
altFormat: 'LLLL',
initialValue: false,
onSelect: function (unix) {
to.touched = true;
if (from && from.options && from.options.maxDate != unix) {
var cachedValue = from.getState().selected.unixDate;
from.options = {maxDate: unix};
if (from.touched) {
from = $(".range-from-example").persianDatepicker({
inline: true,
altField: '.range-from-example-alt',
altFormat: 'LLLL',
initialValue: false,
onSelect: function (unix) {
from.touched = true;
if (to && to.options && to.options.minDate != unix) {
var cachedValue = to.getState().selected.unixDate;
to.options = {minDate: unix};
if (to.touched) {
<div class="range-from-example"></div>
<div class="range-to-example"></div>
but all the time it shows current datetime by default which I want to show a specific day. I am looking forward a way to set wanted day.