Minchul Lee
Minchul Lee
안녕하세요 @opopttt 네 현재 오탈자 교정기능에서는 말씀하신것처럼 특정 종성이 추가된 경우에 대한 교정은 수행하지 않고 있습니다. 해당 기능을 추가하는건 기술적으로 가능하지만 이 경우 오탈자 탐색 속도가 크게 느려질듯합니다. 속도를 크게...
확인해보니, `add_re_rule` 사용시 모음조화에 의한 이형태에 대해서 변형 어미가 제대로 생성되지 않는 문제가 있네요. ```python >>> kiwi = kiwipiepy.Kiwi() >>> kiwi.add_re_rule('EF', '요$', '영', -3) >>> kiwi.tokenize('싫어영') [Token(form='싫', tag='VA', start=0, len=1),...
Hi @izsahara It seems to be related to vectorization. Could you share your CPU and build information including compile options? It will be very helpful to reproduce this error.
@izsahara Thank you for sharing details. I tried to reproduce it, but it failed. The code you shared is working well in AMD Ryzen7 3700X. Maybe it's from difference of...
- [ ] implement general truncation adaptors - [ ] implement specialized truncated normal distribution
Hi, @kilasuelika , thank you for your interest in my package. Can you share your environment more detail including your Ubuntu version, compiler version and compile options?
@kilasuelika, Sorry for late reply. I tried to reproduce your bug in the same environment to yours, but it failed. I think maybe it's caused by the hardware architecture like...
Hi @waynelapierre, Thank you for your interest about my library. Actually I think EigenRand still needs improvement in many respects and is insufficient to be merged into Eigen yet. In...
Hi @juneMJ Thank you for reporting the bug. There was a bug at the internal C++ implementation of `get_sub_topic_dist()` method. https://github.com/bab2min/tomotopy/blob/073c44334a0141e4831ede575ad66b26343ff81d/src/python/py_utils.cpp#L1200 Actually, it should take one argument `normalize` but it...
안녕하세요~ @tkddnd0214 `mdl.get_topic_words`는 토픽 모델 전체의 토픽-단어 분포를 가져오는 메소드입니다. make_doc으로 생성한 새로운 문서에 대해서 추론을 할 경우 토픽-단어 분포는 고정된 상태에서 각 문서별로 문서-토픽 분포를 추정하는 것입니다. (즉, 문서-단어...