Colomban Wendling
Colomban Wendling
Hum that's odd… > config.status: error: cannot find input file: `po/' Normally this file should be copied over by `glib-gettextize` I think. I see 2 possible reasons: - We depend...
BTW, I see: ``` configure: WARNING: unrecognized options: --disable-maintainer-mode, --enable-geanylipsum, --enable-geanysendmail ``` _GeanyLipsum_ and _GeanySendMail_ have been renamed without the _Geany_ prefix. `--disable-maintainer-mode` I'm not sure, maybe it requires a...
Well, the _po/ part is gone. Would be better to know why it was there, and how it was fixed, but well. Now it seems there's still reference to git-changebar...
Yes, they have been renamed as I said, and their files too (like the DSO) ``` dh_install: geany-plugin-lipsum missing files (/usr/lib/*/geany/, aborting ```
Yeah, don't bundle all the libs, just Geany itself.
> libpangoft2 isn't a core lib to my understanding, so we can't just assume it will be provided by most Linux distributions. IMO it can be considered to be. I'm...
> We recommend to _bundle everything that cannot be reasonably expected to be part of each target system (default install) in a recent enough version_. This means that if you...
And so that there's no misunderstanding: - We **do appreciate 3rd party packages**, we thank people working on those. - But **I** will **not** support a Linux binary package bundling...
What's the rationale for this? "if you have GNOME you will agree" doesn't seem clear enough to me. Also, if this is always better under GNOME, one could wonder why...
It's the initialization (`{1}`) that confuses the C parser.