From Taranis-NG created by [b3n4kh](https://github.com/b3n4kh): ait-cs-IaaS/Taranis-NG#158 Show an icon in CardAssess if the content was extracted either from the feed directly or if not, that it might be malformatted or...
From Taranis-NG created by [b3n4kh](https://github.com/b3n4kh): ait-cs-IaaS/Taranis-NG#147 Feature to allow to add Tags to a multidimensional stopword list that includes the information about: either: global, source or sourcegroup, and the tag...
From Taranis-NG created by [b3n4kh](https://github.com/b3n4kh): ait-cs-IaaS/Taranis-NG#113 Story Items and NewsItems can be upvoted or marked as important to increase it's "relevance" score. A similar feature could be implemented for OSINTSource....
Enhance Frontend to allow OpenID authentication This could be done in a similar manner as the "external authentication" is integrated right now.
Improve Assess search by utlizing postgreSQL fulltext search: Possibly helpful: https://github.com/kvesteri/sqlalchemy-searchable Note: SQLite should still be supported for pytest - even though performance doesn't matter for this.
From Taranis-NG created by [b3n4kh](https://github.com/b3n4kh): ait-cs-IaaS/Taranis-NG#86 Setup frontend testing. https://vitest.dev/ for Unittests https://www.cypress.io/ for e2e
Design concept for an User feedback system, regarding NLP generated content like tags and topics.
Add option to osint_source endpoint / model / frontend to mark every article on first gather as read Add Option in queue_manager to not queue a feed if option is...
Refactor codebase and rename "NewsItemAggregate" to "story".
Adding a function to [basebot](https://github.com/taranis-ai/taranis-ai/blob/master/src/worker/worker/bots/base_bot.py ) execute bots as async workers, would allow us to better decouple workers. One approach could be something like the code below, another could be...