Looks like a very essential bug. Isn't that anyone else experiencing it? It appears that any requests under `http://server:1337/content-manager/single-types/` return 404 not found error, when for collection types a request...
What about this https://codepen.io/webxtor/pen/ZEmgMMV ? I have achieved this simply with: colors: ['#B72136'], fill: { type: "gradient", gradient: { type: 'vertical', gradientToColors:['#007B55'], stops: [80,0], } When you put stops as...
Solved this by editing the workspace configuration file and removing "extend" inside Settings->"sshfs.configs"
From what I understood, we need a new dataset in .jsonl with text and labels. Could you share datasets that this was trained on? Especially for not_news. By reading the...
@NyanNyanovich Thanks, I have found train_clf.py already and tried to train it with a single category but then on send.sh classificator failed probably because of "not_news" missing.. I have taken...
Hello. I am also a user of this script. For nearly a month of work, database size has grown only to 1.7GB: ``` # du -hs nyan/mongo/ 1.7G nyan/mongo/ ```...
I suggest you to use du command to examine which directory exactly occupies most of the space. Maybe it's some error logs and not the actual database.
By following the official installation guide, mongo database is being running under a docker container and no other parts of the script.
In my case the contained has grown to occupy all of the available space because of the log file: **/var/lib/docker/containers/CONTAINER_ID/CONTAINER_ID-json.log** I have found here various solutions: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/31829587/docker-container-logs-taking-all-my-disk-space
Thanks. What else functions might need to be configured with cron? Probably, archiving? In the whitepaper it says that there is a summary around 9pm every day, I guess that...