Benedikt Groß

Results 103 comments of Benedikt Groß

Hi @kriskowal, many thanks for circling back to this one! Sounds interesting, to be honest I've never uses a git worktree in my coding life :) Basically: It would be...

thanks! but sorry ... no idea. works fine on my machine. could try to run it directly in processing 1.5.1?

Yes, let's do this once PR #422 is merged. Might need a few instructions how to set things up.

Running the font-builder docker image on my M1 machine yields: ``` Status: Downloaded newer image for WARNING: The requested image's platform (linux/amd64) does not match the detected host platform...

Seems to be possible: Multi-platform images

Great. Should I create a repo e.g. `hfg-gmuend/openmoji-font-builder` or `hfg-gmuend/openmoji-font-buildsystem`

Ok, either way is fine. Let's decide once the new font buildsystem was merged.

@JeppeKlitgaard PR #422 is finally merged! This is mega! Let us tackle the remaining related open [todos]( ... what should I do? :)

Hi @JeppeKlitgaard, hope you're doing well! Any chance to finish off this issue: move everything to the hfg-gmuend org and add x86_64 support? Ping :)

@JeppeKlitgaard No worries, not super urgent ... just a gentle ping for news :) + All the best for settling in the new place and job! > As I recall...