Flutter_Timer_And_Stopwatch icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
Flutter_Timer_And_Stopwatch copied to clipboard

A Timer with all the functionality you would expect. Both Inputs and Outputs are of type Duration.


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A Timer and Stopwatch with all the functionality you would expect

An Example of how to use everything is contained in main.dart

The Timer Includes

1. void play()
2. void pause()
3. void set(Duration)
4. void reset()
5. Duration getOriginalTime()
6. Duration getTimePassed()
7. Duration getTimeLeft()
8. bool isRunning()

The Stopwatch Includes

1. void play()
2. void pause()
3. void setMaxTime(Duration)
4. void reset()
5. Duration getMaxTime()
6. Duration getTimePassed()
7. Duration getSplitTime()
8. Duration getLapTime()
9. bool isRunning()

The Kit Additionally Includes

A Re-Usable "durationPicker" with the options or parameters

1. final Duration initialDuration;
2. final Function onConfirm;
3. final Function onCancel;
4. final bool showDays;
5. final bool showHours;
6. final bool showMinutes;
7. final bool showSeconds;
8. final bool showMilliseconds;
9. final bool showMicroseconds;
10. final int minDaySpaces;
11. final int minHourSpaces;
12. final int minMinuteSpaces;
13. final int minSecondSpaces;
14. final int minMillisecondSpaces;
15. final int minMicrosecondSpaces;
16. final int maxDaysExclusive;
17. final int maxHoursExclusive;
18. final int maxMinutesExclusive;
19. final int maxSecondsExclusive;
20. final int maxMillisecondsExclusive;
21. final int maxMicrosecondsExclusive;
22. final int minDaysInclusive;
23. final int minHoursInclusive;
24. final int minMinutesInclusive;
25. final int minSecondsInclusive;
26. final int minMillisecondsInclusive;
27. final int minMicrosecondsInclusive;
28. final double pickerSize;
29. final double pickerItemSize;
30. final Color pickerBackgroundColor;
31. final double pickerDiameterRatio;
32. final TextStyle pickerTextStyle;
33. final TextStyle labelTextStyle;
34. final Color labelBackgroundColor;
35. final Color topBarColor;
36. final TextStyle titleTextStyle;
37. final String titleText;
38. final TextStyle buttonTextStyle;
39. final String leftButtonText;
40. final String rightButtonText;

A Re-Usable "durationDisplay" with the options

1. final bool showDays
2. final bool showHours
3. final bool showMinutes
4. final bool showSeconds
5. final bool showMilliseconds
6. final bool showMicroseconds