
Results 42 comments of azumukupoe

> > > > I don't need to see more than one "swi-block boxed" for each game > > Define "game". The script can only see links and images. It...

> > > > Maybe per frame? > > frame? ?

because I don't want to test all indexers

> Perhaps this is just the nature of the optimization? maybe? same thing happened when split attention became enabled by default k-diffusion updates seem to alter outputs as well...

``` PS C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\unified-hosts-autoupdate\tools\Unified-Hosts-AutoUpdate-master> .\Hosts_Update.cmd Initializing... Checking connectivity to reached successfully Your current script version is 1.50 Checking for script updates... Your script is up to date You currently...

I do use Notepad++ but it's not set as default I'm using Windows 11 Pro 22000.469 `HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\FileExts\.txt\UserChoice` ` PROGID REG_SZ AppX4ztfk9wxr86nxmzzq47px0nh0e58b8fw`

Also had this problem when using Japanese characters for profile name

@arunkumar9t2 I've set Chromer as the default browser but the app asks me to choose from other browsers.