Éloi Rivard

Results 137 issues of Éloi Rivard

I suggest reading the groups a user belongs to from a `group` claim in the user JWT. There is currently no standard around a OIDC `group` claim, but this can...

status:ready for adoption

This would be awesome if tuna could plug with pytest. The same way tuna has ipython magic, a `--tuna` option in pytest would be very convenient. What do you think?

I use planner in a regular session, with a dozen accounts plugged with gnome-online-accounts. However only a few of those accounts have task lists. It would be nice to be...

Some video platform like Youtube or [Peertube](https://joinpeertube.org) use the [Media-RSS](http://www.rssboard.org/media-rss) extension to provide metadata about the videos. They generally do not use the whole tags available, but provide tags for...

feature request

Some DAV providers disable the `Basic` authentication method (i.e. username+password) in favor of the `Bearer` method (i.e. tokens). Trying to connect to such a provider with GTG results in this...

[RFC6764](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc6764) defines SRV and TXT entries for CardDAV and CalDAV services discovery. It allows client applications to find the DAV endpoints path just by knowing the domain on which it...

This is a geocoder written in python: https://github.com/addok/addok

Hello, I encountered some difficulties with aiosmtpd due to its lack of support for [RFC1891](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1891). For instance, the following command is not recognized by aiosmtpd and return a `501 Syntax:...


* fhir.resources version: 6.2.2 * Python version: 3.10.4 * Operating System: Linux Hello, Using [fhir-kindling](https://github.com/migraf/fhir-kindling) on production data, I encountered a validation error with an `Organization` resource which address line...


I understand from the documentation, or [this comment](https://github.com/uber/h3-js/issues/99#issuecomment-710659522), that the [compact](https://h3geo.org/docs/api/hierarchy#compact) function does not represent exactly an area, but is more a compact approximation of that area that can be...