mod-eluna copied to clipboard
PLAYER_EVENT_ON_GROUP_ROLL_REWARD_ITEM = 56, // (event, player, item, count, voteType, roll) cancel = RegisterPlayerEvent( event, function )
I use Yogg-Saron to test the drop of Fragment of Val'anyr. It should be 1 every time, but the value obtained by count is different every time.
Icaca won Fragment of Val'anyr (x24) with NEED (1) Player GUID: 2 voted: NEED (1) ItemGUID: 1344123 ItemId: 45038 ItemRandomPropId: 0 ItemRandomSuffix: 0 ItemCount: 1 TotalPlayersRolling: 1 TotalNeed: 1 TotalGreed: 0 TotalPass: 0 ItemSlot: 6 RollVoteMask: 7