azerothcore-wotlk copied to clipboard
(DB/Quest): It Goes to 11... SMALL DESCRIPTION: When you sit down in a harpoon and start shooting at targets, nothing happens, only 1 mob flies in the air, there are always misses on it, buildings are also not counted.
BRANCH(ES): master
AC HASH/COMMIT: AzerothCore rev. cdb499969d19+
MODULES: Anticheat, ResetDuel, CFBG, Transmog, PvPTitles
Player must go there to activate this grids at every server startup or you can put 1 in the config at this location:
PreloadAllNonInstancedMapGrids = 1
After activate this grids quest work perfectly.
it's weird that it doesn't load it automatically when needed...
not sure if this must be closed, it is still a bug
enabling "PreloadAllNonInstancedMapGrids = 1" did nothing for this problem for me. still unable to damage anything.
completed this quest today
some notes about the quest:
- killing defenders is automatic; each time you fire the second ability it automatically counts as having killed a defender -- though the defenders don't appear anywhere
- destroying the buildings works as long as you target the top of the building
- the turret does not automatically point in the direction of your cursor. the turret is supposed to show an aoe target and draw a trajectory from the turret to the target, at all times, move with your cursor, and immediately activate the ability when used. current behavior does show the aoe target if you click or use the first ability but requires a second click to activate the ability and fire a projectile.