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Mail appears not to arrive if the receiving player was logged in when it was sent/received?
Current Behaviour
Unsure as to exact behavior. One account sent mail to another, then logged out. The receiving player stayed logged in for the entire hour, then got the minimap notification "You have unread mail". The notification did not specify the name of the character who sent the mail, and the mailbox was empty. Logging out and logging back in caused the mail to appear normally and the notification to display correctly.
Expected Blizzlike Behaviour
The notification should display who the mail was sent by, and the mail should appear in the mailbox.
No response
Steps to reproduce the problem
- Send mail from character A on account A to character B on account B.
- (Optional?) Log out character A.
- Stay logged in on character B until the mail arrives.
- Observe that the mail notification does not show character A's name and that the mailbox is empty.
- Log out character B and log back in.
- Observe that the mail is now in the mailbox and that character A's name is also shown in the "unread mail" notification.
Extra Notes
I also sent some alabaster pigment into the Twisting Nether by milling it with full bags around this point. The Postmaster appeared correctly in my notification, and his mail arrived as expected, but the other character's did not.
AC rev. hash/commit
AzerothCore rev. 9cd95bd72833+ 2023-12-03 09:17:39 +0000 (master branch) (Unix, RelWithDebInfo, Static) Connected players: 1. Characters in world: 0. Connection peak: 2. Server uptime: 4 hour(s) 20 minute(s) 37 second(s) Update time diff: 1ms, average: 1ms. Using SSL version: OpenSSL 3.0.2 15 Mar 2022 (library: OpenSSL 3.0.2 15 Mar 2022) Using Boost version: 1.74.0 Using CMake version: 3.22.1 Using MySQL version: 80035 Found MySQL Executable: /usr/bin/mysql Compiled on: Linux 5.15.0-87-generic Worldserver listening connections on port 8085 Realmlist (Realm Id: 1) configured in port 8085 VMAPs status: Enabled. LineOfSight: 1, getHeight: 1, indoorCheck: 1 MMAPs status: Enabled maps directory located in /opt/echoes/data/maps. Total size: 291014951 bytes vmaps directory located in /opt/echoes/data/vmaps. Total size: 658130721 bytes mmaps directory located in /opt/echoes/data/mmaps. Total size: 2192910844 bytes Default DBC locale: enUS. All available DBC locales: enUS deDE zhCN zhTW Using World DB: ACDB 335.10-dev Latest LoginDatabase update: 2023_04_24_00.sql Latest CharacterDatabase update: 2023_09_16_00.sql Latest WorldDatabase update: no_spirit_healers.sql LoginDatabase queue size: 0 CharacterDatabase queue size: 0 WorldDatabase queue size: 0
List enable modules:
- mod-eluna
Operating system
Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS
Custom changes or Modules
Eluna with Lua script that prevents players from reclaiming corpse, SQL patch to remove Spirit Healers' ability to revive players.