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Helm Chart
I started converting docker compose to a Helm Chart, if anyone is interested I could try to create repo for it. Currently able to get it up and running, but also being my first time messing around with acore in general I have not got the account creation or public IP address in the mysql worked out in the deployment just yet. Those are still manual.
When I exec into the worldserver or authserver the account create
does not work. Is there some command to run inside the worldserver outside of the
Currently I have to stop the pod and manually run the run-worldserver and wait for input to be able to create accounts.
Then I can re-run the pod to start worldserver detached.
I'm sure someone here with more knowledge would be able to figure it out
I think the worldserver shound give a argument such as ./worldserver -t
which will not init and start the realm. Only connect the database and show TC>, So that when we start worldserver, We can exec to the pod and create account...
I've been working on a k8s / helm approach to hosting this for a few weeks. I think I've at least solved the issue that you're running into regarding sending commands to the worldserver.
For your k8s spec for a worldserver deploy, you need to add the following two lines to spec.template.spec.containers.<worldserver-container-name>
tty: true
stdin: true
Once you've done that, you can attach to the running worldserver at its command prompt with the following:
kubectl attach <world-server-pod-name> -i -t
Note: Recent versions of kubectl
have removed the ability to properly detach from a running container. Using Ctrl-C in this setup will kill the running worldserver! Instead, when finished, close the open terminal session to safely detach from the running k8s container.