Richard J Oh
Richard J Oh
Hello @iamwilhelm, if you are passing in a redirectURI argument to loginWithMagicLink, upon successful auth, loginWithCredential will be called (without arguments) in the redirect context to strip the magic_credential (did...
@mightymatth Our apologies for the delay in responding to this great feature request! I'll make sure this gets brought up with our Product team.
Thank you for bringing this up Kesar. We'll be discussing this internally and I'll respond once we have an update.
If you find any incompatibilities with TS and v9.x, please feel free to open a new issue.
Hello @mightymatth, after successful auth, subsequent loginWithCredential calls do not need to be made. That's only needed after initial login and in the redirect context, or if the end user...
I am sorry you feel this way, that wasn't our intent. What you explained doesn't need to be reproduced because it's expected. The only use case of loginWithCredential is if...
This issue is inconclusive as I was unable to trigger any described error (or any errors) as described under "Actual behavior" under same environment. I'd be interested to know when...
Thank you for bringing this to our attention, we'll get this resolved.
The priority level of this issue has been mitigated with several workarounds such as the one proposed above, using an earlier version or requiring the file. We will keep this...
@solkimicreb Following up here and updating you. This feature request isn't one that's currently on our roadmap, but we will re-open the issue when it is.