EasyDDNS copied to clipboard
Error -1 when calling dynupdate.no-ip.com
Hello I have been trying for many days to get http to not respond -1 using the DDNS_client.ino example. I have modified the source (EasyDDNS.cpp) to know if the call to http.begin was correct. `int httpCode = http.GET();
Serial.println(String(httpCode)+" desde ddns.cpp: "+update_url);
if (httpCode == 200) { ` If I do a copy/paste from monitor in firefox it correctly updates the ip in no_ip.com. The call to "ifconfig.me/ip" resolves it perfectly and returns the real ip. I am using an ESP01S (8266) with all the updated libraries. IDE v. 1.8.19 ESP8266 v. 3.1.2