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The Ultimate resource hub of Python: All at one place
The Ultimate resource hub of Python: All at one place
Python Official Documentation
Please see CONTRIBUTING, CODE-OF-CONDUCT for details before you contribute.
Table of Contents
- Ultimate-Python-Resource-Hub
- Ultimate-Python-Resource-Hub
- Python Official Documentation
- Contributing
- Table of Contents
- Requirements
- Coding Practice Playground for Python
- Free Hosting Platforms for Python
- Python Books
- Python Community and Groups
- Python Courses-Video Tutorials
- Python Devs to Follow on Twitter
- Python Github Repositories
- Python IDEs
- Python Libraries for GUI Development:
- Python Frameworks for Web Development:
- Python Libraries for Game Development:
- Python Libraries for Data Science:
- Python Mobile Applications:
- Python Newsletters:
- Python Podcasts:
- Python Websites
- Python YouTube channels
- Technical Blogging Platforms
- Data Structures and Algorithms
- Connect with me
Have Python 3.7 or newer installed. You can check the version by typing python3 --version
in your command line. You can download the latest Python version from here.
Coding Practice Playground for Python
- Advent of Code
- AlgoDaily
- AlgoExpert
- BinarySearch
- Brilliant
- CheckiO
- CodeAbbey
- Codechef
- CodeForces
- CodeKata
- Coderbyte
- CoderByte
- CodeSignal
- Codewars
- Codility
- CodinGame
- Codingame
- CodingBat
- Cyber-dojo
- Daily Coding Problem
- Daily Interview Pro
- DevPost
- Edabit
- Exercism
- Exercism
- FightCode
- Google's Coding Competitions
- HackerEarth
- Hackerrank
- Kaggle
- Kattis
- Leetcode
- LintCode
- Practicepython
- Project Euler
- Rosalind
- Topcoder
- Wolfram Challenges
- spoj
- urionlinejudge
Free Hosting Platforms for Python
Python Books
- A byte of Python by Swaroop
- Python for Everybody
- Automate the Boring Stuff with Python
- Dive into Python
- Fluent Python
- Headfirst Python
- How to think like a computer scientist
- Learn Python the Hard Way
- Python Cookbook
- Python Crash Course
- Python Tricks by Dan Bader
- Think Python
Python Community and Groups
Python Courses-Video Tutorials
- Automate the Boring Stuff with Python Programming
- Coursera
- Linkedin Learning Python 2
- Linkedin Python Essential Training
- pythonprogramming-net
- Udacity: Introduction to Python
- Udemy: Complete Python Bootcamp
- Udemy: Python for Absolute Beginners
- Complete Python Bootcamp: Go From Zero to Hero (Udemy)
- Complete Python Masterclass (Udemy)
- Learn Python 3 (Codecademy)
- Python for absolute beginners (Udemy)
- Python for Everybody (Coursera)
- The Python Bible (Udemy)
- 100 Days of Code - The Complete Python Pro Bootcamp for 2021
Python Devs to Follow on Twitter
Python Github Repositories
- 30 Days of Python
- Awesome Python
- Coding Interview University
- Coding Problems
- Full Speed Python
- Learn Python 3
- Playground and Cheatsheet
- Python Comics
- Python programming tutorial
- Python Reference
- Python-Learning-Resources
- Python
- The Algorithms
- Hackerrank_Python
Python IDEs
- Atom
- GNU Emacs
- Jupyter Notebook
- PyCharm
- Pydev
- Spyder
- Sublime Text
- Thonny
- Vi / Vim
- Visual Studio Code
- Wing
- Anaconda
Python Libraries for GUI Development:
- curses
- DearPyGui
- Eel
- enaml
- Flexx
- Tkinter
- Toga
- urwid
- PyQT
- PySimpleGUI
- Kivy
Python Frameworks for Web Development:
- Django
- Flask
- web2py
- Bottle
- FastAPI
- Pyramid
Python Libraries for Game Development:
- Pygame
- PyOpenGL
- Pyglet
Python Libraries for Data Science:
- TensorFlow
- NumPy
- SciPy
- Pandas
- Matplotlib
- Seaborn
- StatsModels
Python Mobile Applications:
- DataCamp
- Programiz
- Sololearn
- Encode
- Enki App
- Programming Hero
- Programming Hub
- Unacademy Learning App
Python Newsletters:
- Awesome Python Newsletter
- Become a Better Developer
- Bite Python
- Dan's Python Newsletter
- Import Python
- Pycoder's Weekly
- PYnative Newsletter
- Python Email Academy
- Python on Microcontrollers
- Python Puzzles
- Python Weekly
- The Real Python Newsletter
Python Podcasts:
- Django Chat
- from python import podcast
- Podcast-init
- Python Bytes
- Radio Free Python
- Running in Production
- Talk Python to Me
- Teaching Python
- Test & Code
- The Real Python Podcast
Python Websites
- Codecademy
- Automate the Boring Stuff with Python
- Codewars
- Geeksforgeeks
- Google's Python Class
- Hitchhiker’s Guide
- Kaggle
- Learn X in Y minutes
- Progate
- Programiz
- PythonForBeginners
- Sololearn
- TutorialsPoint
- w3schools-com
- Full Stack Python
- Real Python
- Holy Python
Python YouTube channels
- Amulya's Academy
- Chris Hawkes
- CodeWithHarry
- CodingEntrepreneurs
- Corey Schafer
- Edureka
- freeCodeCamp-org
- Joe James
- ProgrammingKnowledge
- Telusko
- TokyoEdTech
- Traversy Media
- Real Python
Technical Blogging Platforms
Data Structures and Algorithms
Connect with me
Hi, I am Ayushi Rawat, a Software Developer and a YouTuber who likes to write Technical Blogs and contribute to Open Source. You can connect with me and follow my work at: Twitter | YouTube | LinkedIn
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