path_planning copied to clipboard
running problem
Hi Gaud,
I encountered the following problem while running the node of traj_gen .
and still, in the goalpoint_transformer.cpp file I changed the listener.lookupTransform("odom",....) to listener.lookupTransform("map",....) , because the frame_id of my nav_msgs/Odometry is "map". but there is always an error in the bash. as we can see in this picture.
Do you know the reason? Is my modification wrong? thanks a lot!!
Originally posted by @ifaceyou123 in
Same problem here! Any solutions?
Edit: the problem occurs in the trajectory_generator.cpp file when the variable idx_replan
becomes 1 and crashes at line 119. Working in a solution, will commit if solved
I am having the same problem. Has anyone found a fix for this?
@viswanarayanans @kosmastsk Hello, can you complie this repo with fcl-0.5? I got this error, did you meet this error?
'''CMakeFiles/path_planning_node.dir/src/path_planning.cpp.o: In function fcl::Transform3f::transform(fcl::Vec3fX<fcl::details::Vec3Data<double> > const&) const': path_planning.cpp:(.text._ZNK3fcl11Transform3f9transformERKNS_6Vec3fXINS_7details8Vec3DataIdEEEE[_ZNK3fcl11Transform3f9transformERKNS_6Vec3fXINS_7details8Vec3DataIdEEEE]+0x46): undefined reference to
fcl::Quaternion3f::transform(fcl::Vec3fX<fcl::details::Vec3Datafcl::CollisionGeometry::CollisionGeometry()': path_planning.cpp:(.text._ZN3fcl17CollisionGeometryC2Ev[_ZN3fcl17CollisionGeometryC5Ev]+0x34): undefined reference to
CMakeFiles/path_planning_node.dir/src/path_planning.cpp.o: In function fcl::CollisionObject::CollisionObject(std::shared_ptr<fcl::CollisionGeometry> const&)': path_planning.cpp:(.text._ZN3fcl15CollisionObjectC2ERKSt10shared_ptrINS_17CollisionGeometryEE[_ZN3fcl15CollisionObjectC5ERKSt10shared_ptrINS_17CollisionGeometryEE]+0x59): undefined reference to
CMakeFiles/path_planning_node.dir/src/path_planning.cpp.o: In function fcl::Box::Box(double, double, double)': path_planning.cpp:(.text._ZN3fcl3BoxC2Eddd[_ZN3fcl3BoxC5Eddd]+0x29): undefined reference to
vtable for fcl::Box'
CMakeFiles/path_planning_node.dir/src/path_planning.cpp.o: In function planner::isStateValid(ompl::base::State const*)': path_planning.cpp:(.text._ZN7planner12isStateValidEPKN4ompl4base5StateE[_ZN7planner12isStateValidEPKN4ompl4base5StateE]+0x1e5): undefined reference to
fcl::collide(fcl::CollisionObject const*, fcl::CollisionObject const*, fcl::CollisionRequest const&, fcl::CollisionResult&)'
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
make[2]: *** [/home/fapsros/catkin_ws/devel/.private/path_planning/lib/path_planning/path_planning_node] Error 1
make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/path_planning_node.dir/all] Error 2
make: *** [all] Error 2
The problem comes from this line
if(ros::Time::now().toSec() - time_start_replan.toSec() + planner_delay.toSec() > time(idx_replan))
When 'idx_replan > 0' it crashes because of time(idx_replan)
If I replace time(idx_replan)
with time(0)
it will not crash but the velocities of the trajectory will be huge (100-60.000 m/s).
I have tested the code on another system and it works fine without error and both position and velocities generated.
Both of the systems have the same libraries' versions installed:
Ubuntu 18.04.4
ROS Melodic
eigen3 (3.3.90)
libccd (2.0)
octomap (1.9.0)
fcl (0.5.0)
I was wondering what could be the reason that causes the error on only one pc.
Did you solve this problem? I met the same error.