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:mortar_board: RESEARCH [:car: + :eyes:] Robust framework for Lane Detection and Tracking using Deep CNN, Extended Hough Transform and Kalman Filter for autonomous vehicle applications.

Robust Lane Detection and Tracking for Autonomous Vehicle

A robust lane-detection and tracking framework is an essential component of an advanced driver assistant system, for autonomous vehicle applications. The problem of lane detection and tracking includes challenges such as varying clarity of lane markings, change in visibility conditions like illumination, reflection, shadows etc. The proposed framework consists of lane boundary candidate generation based on extended hough transform and CNN based lane classification model for detection. Additionally, a Kalman filter is used for lane tracking. The framework is trained and evaluated on the data collected by our experimental vehicle on Indian roads. The dataset consists of a total of 4500 frames with varying driving scenarios, including highways, urban roads, traffic, shadowed lanes, partially visible lanes and curved lanes. The performance of our approach is demonstrated using quantitative evaluation (recall, precision etc.) using manually labeled images.

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Figure 1: Proposed lane detection and tracking framework

Candidate lane image patch extraction

Once the lane candidates are generated by extended HT, the next step is to classify true lane and remove outliers. Since a CNN based model is employed for this task, the lane candidates need to be extracted in the form of fixed sized images which can be fed into the model. An offset of 15 pixels is taken on either side of the lane candidate boundary and the corresponding image patch is extracted.The image patches are further scaled to 224x224x3 and output is a Nx224x224x3 vector.

Lane Classification Model

Once we get all lane candidates the subsequent task is to identify the correct lanes(True positives) and eliminate the outliers i.e false candidates(True negatives).We use a deep convolutional neural network called AlexNet fpr this task.

Training : The model is trained offline on 16000 images which are labeled into two classes, "True Lane" and "False Lane".We replace the final fully connected layer(1000 neurons) in AlexNet with a 2 neuron fully connected layer followed by softmax.The network is fine tuned to minimize the cross entropy loss using the SGD(Stochastic gradient descent) optimizer with initial learning rate of 0.001,momentum = 0.9 and weight_decay =0.0001(after every 12 epochs.Using a pretrained AlexNet model helped in faster convergence of the model.

Inference : During the inference the framework gets in input from previous image patch extraction module in form of Nx224x224x3 shaped vector.N is the number of lane candidates generated by the Extended Hough Transform .The output is a 1xN vector with predicted label.


Since we are using a learning based approach the data plays an important role in both training and evaluation process. Our experimental vehicle was employed to collect data.The dataset constitutes a total of 4500 frames with varying driving scenarios, including highways,urban roads,traffic,shadowed lanes,partially visible lanes and curved lanes Annotating the candidate lane patches is a two step process.Firstly, every lane in a frame is hand labeled and the two end points of the lane are stored.As our CNN based model for lane classification, takes the lane boundary candidate image patches as input, lane candidate generation module is used to generate such candidates and labeled into "True Lane" or "False Lane" class using the stored hand labeled lane coordinates. After annotating 1500 frames we populated our database with 6300 la- beled lane image patches.The dataset is divided into training and validation set as shown in [Table1 ].

Data Augmentation : To increase the training examples and avoid overfitting we use various data augmentation techniques like horizontal flip,Gaussian blur followed by sharpening and image darkening.The training set is increased five folds to 15000 after applying the augmentation.


Lane classification results

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Figure 2: a) in presence of shadow b) on curved roads c) in traffic d) in the presence of other signs on roads e) on highway

Tracking results

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Figure 3: Performance of Kalman filter (KF) for lane tracking (detected: red, predicted by KF: green)

Video Outputs

Video Output 1 Video Output 2

Experimental Results and Discussion

Fig 2 shows lane detection results by the classification model which is run on the entire database consisting of 4500 images. The frame- work is run on a system equipped with a Quad-core 2.4GHz Intel i7 − 5500U CPU paired with 8GB DDR3 RAM and NVIDIA Titan X GPU which gives an average processing speed of 0.0262 sec/frame i.e 38fps, while running on a low end GPU NVIDIA GeForce 920M it runs at an average speed of 10-12fps. The model performs ro- bustly and is able to adapt to various lane conditions like shadowed lanes, traffic conditions where some part of the lane is covered by a vehicle as shown in Fig. 2(a) and Fig. 2(c) respectively. It works well on highway roads as shown in Fig. 2(e), detecting all lanes in comparatively less traffic conditions.Though currently not designed for curved roads with steep curvature, it works well for roads with small curvature as shown in Fig. 2(b). Since the detection module performs well in detecting multiple lanes, this method is scalable for multiple lane detection and tracking.

Fig. 3 shows the tracking result in different scenarios. In Figs. 3(a), 3(b) and 3(c), the Kalman filter based tracker correctly predicts the true lane even in scenarios where the lane is occluded by a vehicle and thus a detection failure occurs. Figs. 3(d),3(e) and 3(f) represent the general case of performance of tracking, where as expected, tracking and detection outputs are similar. As seen in Figs. 3(g), 3(h) and 3(i), the estimate tends to drift from the correct lane location during and/or just after a lane change. We have empirically observed that it stabilizes after 4 to 5 frames after lane change.


lane_ros_package/ : Contains the ROS workspace with Lane_DetectorNode(C++ node) subscribing to camera feed publishing the candidate lane patches, which is subscribed by run_py_node(Python node) which is used to do inference using the trained alexnet to classify and apply Kalman filter for tracking the lanes.

training/ : This is used to finetune the imagenet pretrained Alexnet model for candidate lane patch classification.

preprocessing/ : Used to extract candidate lane patch images from the candidate lanes which are genrated by the Ext. Hough Transform to be further used for training the image classification model.

preprocessing/ : Data augmentation using techniques like horizontal flip, Gaussian blur followed by sharpening, apply shear with added Gaussian noise and image darkening.