@jtkeeling I am also facing a similar issue: ``` $ ~/Desktop/CodeGen/bazel run -c opt :print_names_and_sources ~/Desktop/CodeGen/dm-code_contests/code_contests_test.riegeli Starting local Bazel server and connecting to it... Loading: Loading: 0 packages loaded Loading:...
Hi @jtkeeling! Thanks for the suggestion, however similar error is coming after installing python 2.7. ``` $ ~/Desktop/CodeGen/bazel run -c opt :print_names_and_sources ~/Desktop/CodeGen/dm-code_contests/code_contests_test.riegeli Starting local Bazel server and connecting to...
@rosinality I am curious about why you haven't changed your final classifier layer of the pre-trained network (vgg16) to output 365 classes instead of 1000 classes. Is there any specific...
Thanks @rosinality. Then, Are you feeding the class labels directly into the Generator and Discriminator? I thought that you might be feeding the labels predicted by the classifier.
So, can we manually feed in the class labels for the applications like re-painting etc. Sorry, I didn't understand how you are feeding the class label into the Generator.
Thanks @rosinality ! So in all- inputs are noise vector, class labels fed through adaptive batch norm and the features (masked or unmasked) from the pre-trained classifier.
Thanks for your comments!
If the labels are provided by the Adaptive Batch norm, Doesn't that mean if we put self.norm=False, class labels will not be fed?
@rosinality Could you please tell what is final resolution size of the image generated from the Generator, I am not able to figure out the same. Is that 224*224 only?
Ok so generation size is also 224x224.